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ED 195 954 





CS 005 766 

Smith, Edward E. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge. Teqhnical Report 
No. 185. 

Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Mass.; 
Illinois Oniv., Orbana. Center for the Srudy of 

National Inst, of Education (DHEH) , Washington, D.C.; 

Public Health Service (DHEW) , Arlington, Va . 

Oct 80 




EDFS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. 

DESCRIPTORS Comprehension; *!iemory: *Models; *Prior Learning; 

♦Reading Research; *Sentences 


Noting that the sentence memory models formulated in 
the 1970s need to be altered so as to be consistent with the fact 
that people use prior knowledge to process new information, this 
report discusses issues to be considered in making such an 
alteration. The report focuses on three questions; (1| what 
conditions lead people to elaborate and organize input facts? (2) 
What are the uechaaisas behind organization? and (3) How well can 
these organizational mechanisms be interfaced with the original 
theories of sentence memory? The report reviews some basics of how 
current sentence memory models represent and retrieve sentences and 
then illustrates three conditions that lead to an elaboration of 
representations. It then takes up each condition in detail, reviews 
the experimental data showing that the condition doss indeed result 
in an organization of the input, and delineates ths theoretical 
mechanisms involved. (FL) 

* Reproductions supplied by edrs are the best that can be made * 

* from the original document. * 





Technical Report No. 185 


Edward E. Smith 
Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. 

October 1980 

University of Illinois 

at Urbana-Champaign 
51 Gerty Drive 
Champaign^ Illinois 61820 

BBN Report No. 4400 

Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. 

50 Moulton Street 

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 

Preparation of this manuscript was supported by U.S. Public 
Health Service Grant MH-19705 to the author, and by the National 
Institute of Education under Contract No. HEW-NIE-C-400-76-0116 . 
The manuscript is based on a talk given at the 197 9-8 0 Nebraska 
Symposium on Motivation and will appear in the 1980 volume of 
that series. 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 



For the past decade^ psychologists have been intensively 
studying how people represent and remember the factual 
knowledge they encounter in sentence s. Perhaps the high water 
mark of this research occurred in the first half of the 1970^s 
with the publication of large-scale models^ such as Anderson 
and Bower (1973) and Norman and Rumelhart (1975) • This work 
deservedly became among the best known in cognitive 
psychology. Unlike some of its predecessors in the field of 
memory, the model of Anderson and Bower (1973) was sweeping in 
scope yet precise in detail. 

Despite their achievements, these models had a major 
difficulty that rapidly became apparent to many. The problem 
was that the models achieved their theoretical power by 
representing only those facts that were explicit in the input 
sentences, and failed to give serious attention to how people 
brought to bear other knowledge that elaborated the input 
facts. This was a serious omission, partly because such 
elaborations are often the hallmark of true comprehension of 
the input facts, and partly because these same elaborations 
organize the input facts and boost their memorability. To 
illustrate, suppose you read: "Herb needed a diversion" and 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


"Herb looked at the movie times." In representing this 
information^ you would presumably depict not only the facts 
explicitly stated but also something about going to a movie. 
The latter constitutes an elaboration of the input. From the 
point of view of comprehension^ this elaboration is crucial 
because it provides a basis for integrating the input facts 
into a coherent scenario. From the point of view of memory / 
it is important because the elaborated facts turn out to be 
more retrievable than the uneltiborated ones. 

Lately there has been a lot of attention given to the 
above problem^ much of it due to the same psychologists who 
produced the first generation of sentence-memory models. Thus 
when Anderson (1976) proposed a revision of the original 
Anderson and Bower (1973) models he devoted much concern to 
how people elaborate input propositions. Similarly^ Bower 

(e.g./ Black & Bower ^ 1980) ^ Norman (e.g./ Norman & Bobrow/ 
1976)/ and Rumelhart (e.g./ Rumelhart s Ortony/ 1977) have all 
begun to study how people use whrit they already know to 
organize new information. There are also many contributions 
from artificial intelligence dealing with the use of prior 
knowledge in representing and remembering new information 

(e.g./ Adams & CollinS/ 1979; Minsky/ 1975? Rumelhart & 
Ortony/ 1977; Schank & Abelson/ 1977; Winograd/ 1972). 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


So everybody seems to agree that the early 1970s 
approach to sentence memory needs to be altered so as to be 
consistent with the fact that people use prior knowledge to 
process new information. But in making such an alteration, 
certain questions arise. The first is an empirical one: 

(1) Precisely what conditions lead people to 
elaborate and organize input facts? 

The remaining questions are theoretical; 

(2) what are the mechanisms behind organization? Is 
there one basic one, or are there many? 

(3) How well can these organizational mechanisms be 
interfaced with the original theories of 
sentence memory? 

These questions form the focus of this paper. 

With this as background/ a more exact agenda can be 
given. The next section reviews some basics of how current 
sentence-memory models represent and retrieve sentences, and 
then illustrates three conditions that lead to an elaboration 
of representations. In subsequent sections, we take up each 
condition in detail, review the exper iment,al data showing the 
condition does indeed result in an organization of the input. 



Organization of Factual Knowledge 


and try to spell out the theoretical mechanisms involved. The 
final section summarizes the main conclusions. 

Sentence Repre sentat ions and Organizc <tiona l Possibilities 
Repre se ntation a nd Retrieval in Curre nt ^fode I s of Sentence 

Tlepresentation and retr ieval of single sentences . 
Consider first how three different models would represent and 
retrieve the proposition in the sentence "Woody Allen makes 
movies." Figure 1 contains the sample representations. In 
all three casvS it is assumed that the representation 
corresponds to a network , where the concepts — "Woody Allen , 
"makes y " and "movies" — are depicted as nodes , and the 
relations between concepts are given by labeled links between 
node s . 

Panel A of the figure is based on the ELINOR model 
presented in Rumelhart, Lindsay^ and Norman (1972) . This 
network is centered around the verb or action concept. The 
node for the action, ^D;akeSr" is linked to the nodes for the 
other two concepts, "Woody Allen" and "movies," while the 
latter two have no direct connection. Each connection has a 
label that depicts the semantic relation operative; e.g., 
"Woody Allen" is the agent of "making," "movies" is the 
objec t. To see how a retrieval process might operate on this 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 



^- > <Movie s > 


Makes Movies 

ۥ ACT (1976) 


Figure 1. Prepositional representations of "Woody Allen 
makes movies" based on: (A) Rumelhart^ Lindsay^ and Norman 
(1972) , (B) Anderson and Bower (1973) , and (C) Anderson 


A. ELINOR (1972) 


<Wbody Allen> ^ r- ^ - ikes 

B. HAM (1973) 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


representation^ suppose that you were presented the sample 
sentence as a probe and asked if you had seen it before. 
According to the general ideas in ELINOR^ you would form a 
reprpfaentation of the probe identical to that in Panel A, and 
then use the concepts in the probe to directly access those in 
the representation of the memorized sentence. Prom the 
accessed memory nodes you would search for a path, i.e., a set 
of labeled links^ that perfectly matches the path in the probe 
representation, if you found such a path, you would say you 
recogni^^ed the sentence; if you did not, you would call it a 
novel se nee nee. 

Panel B contains a representation from the HAM model of 
Anderson and Bower (1973) • The action concept has no 
privileged status here. Rather , the internal structure of the 
proposition is closer to that of a phrase structure. There is 
first a distinction between subject ("Woody Allen") and 
predicate r and then the predicate itself is divided into a 
relation ("makes") and an object ("movies"). Again we have 
concepts connected by labeled links, but now some nodes are 
higher-order ones that stand for complex concepts, like that 
designating the entire predicate. It turns out, though, that 
the terminal nodes standing for specific concepts (e.g., 
"movies") do the bulk of the work in retrieval. And the 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


retrieval process for HAM looks like the one described 
earlier. So if later asked if you have ever seen the probe 
"Woody Allen makes movies," you would form a representation of 
the probe just like that in Panel B of Figure 1, use its 
terminal nodes to directly access those of the memorized 
proposition, and search for a path connecting all nodes in the 
memorized proposition that matches the path in the probe 

Panel C of Figure 1 contains a third representation, one 
based on the ACT model of Anderson (1976). Its core is the 
subset of the network that relates "Woody Allen," "makes," and 
a node that eventually points to the concept of "movies." 
This subset is almost identical to the previously considered 
HAM representation, the only difference being the label 
argument has replaced the label object . The rest of the 
present representation consists of a secondary proposition 
asserting that what Allen makes is a subset of the class of 
movies. While the latter is important for issues that 
Anderson (1976) was concerned with, it turns out not to be 
critical for the present discussion, and I vill ignore it in 
what follows. 

What cannot be ignored about ACT is its retrieval 
process. The discrete search process of HAM has been replaced 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


by a continuous^ spreading activation process in ACT. When 
the probe "Woody Allen makes movies" is presented^ Gach word 
activates its corresponding concept in a long-term memory 
network/ and activation from each of these sources spreads 
a'^long the links emanating from the source. The rate of spread 
on a given link increases with the strength of that lirk (an 
associative-strength idea) and decreases with the number of 
other links emanating from that source (an 

associative-interference idea) . When the activation from the 
three sources intersect^ for instance/ at the predicate node/ 
the path leading to this intersection can be evaluated to see 
if its component links contain the same labels or relations as 
those specified in the probe. If the relations are the same/ 
the probe would be recognized. 

Representation and retrieval of sentence pairs . So much 
for single sentences. From the perspective of organization, 
nothing really interesting happens until we consider at least 
pairs of sentences. Figure 2 contains representations of two 
facts about Woody Allen: the old one about him making movies; 
and a new one about him living in New York. Panel A gives the 
ELINOR representation/ Panel B a simplified HAM-ACT one. 

In Panel A there are two propositions connected to the 
node for "Woody Allen." This should slow down the retrieval 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


A. ELINOR (1972) 

< Woody Allen> 


Makes) — — > < Movie s> 


Lives In^' > <N.y.> 

B. ACT (1976) 






Lives In 

Figure 2. Prepositional representations of "VToody Allen 
makes movies" and "Woody Allen lives in New York" based on: 
(A) Rumelhart^ Lindsay^ and Norman (1972), and (B) Anderson 
and Bower (1973) and Anderson (1976) • 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


process in recognition. That is^ when presented with the 
probe "Woody Allen makes movies^" one would again use the 
concepts in the probe to access those in tht, memorized 
propositions; but now the search process, which is looking for 
a path matching that in the probe, will have to consider two 
links off the "Woody Allen" node. If the search process is 
limited in capacity, it will take longer when there are two 
paths from a node than when there is only one. Therefore, the 
time to correctly recognize a probe should increase with the 
number of links emanating from the relevant memory nodes.''" 

This same prediction follows from HAM and ACT. In Panel B 
of Figure 2 there are again two links from the "Woody Allen" 
node. Given the probe "Woody Allen makes movies," the three 
corresponding concept nodes will be activated, where the 
activation emanating from "Woody Allen" must be split between 
two links. This will slow the rate of activation on the 
critical link leading to "makes" and "movies." Consequently 
it will takv^ longer to get an intersection that can lead to a 
correction recognition. 

The fan effect and interference . The three models agree 
that as one learns more facts about a concept these facts fan 
out from the concept node, thereby slowing any 
limited-capacity retrieval process that underlies recognition. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Hence recognition time for a specific fact about a concept 
should slow down as we increase our knowledge about that 
concept. This effect, called the fan effect, has been 
extensively documented by recognition-memory studies showing 
that the time to decide whether a probe sentence is Old or New 
increases with the number of facts learned about each concept 
in the probe (Anderson, 1974, 1975, 1976; Anderson & Bower, 
197 3; Anderson & Paulson, 197 8; Hayes-Roth, 197 7; Hayes-Roth 
& Hayes-Roth, 1977; King & Anderson, 1976; Lewis & Anderson, 
1976; Moesher, 1979; Reder & Anderson, 1980; Shoben, 
Wescourt, & Smith, 1978; Smith, Adams, & Schoor, 1978; 
Thorndyke & Bower, 1974). 

One reason why fanning is important is that the fan 
effect on recognition latency is a common prediction of models 
with different representations. Another reason why fanning is 
important is that the basic idea behind it— that multiple 
facts learned about a concept interfere with one another 
during retr ieval— may play a role in any memory task, not just 
speeded recognition. Thus an increase in fanning can lead to 
an increase in recognition or recall failures if we make the 
following two assumptions: 

(1) People continue to search the links from a 
memory node until they hit a stop rule, like 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


"when the last n links examined have not led to 
a path matching the probe ^ call the probe a New 
item (if in a recognition test) or give up (if 
in a recall test) " (Rundus, 197 3; Shif f r in, 
1970) ? and 

(2) Every time a particular link is examined it 
increases in strength or accessibility and is 
therefore more likely to be examined agrin 
(RunduSr 1973), 


The more facts you learn about a concept, the more likely you 
are to hit the stop point before finding a target fact, and 
hence the more likely you are to suffer a recall or 
recognition failure* Moreover, this can happen even when you 
have learned just a few facts because if you sample the wrong 
link early, its accessibility will increase, and you may 
continue to resample it. 

Powerful as the idea of fanning is, in its unchecked form 
it has a paradoxical quality (Smith et al., 1978). The idea 
that the more we learn about a topic the more interference we 
suffer seems at odds with our everyday experience that as we 
become increasingly knowledgeable about a topic we are often 
better able to answer questions about it. The way to 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


reconcile everyday experience with the prepositional 
representations and fan effects discussed is to invoke the 
organizational mechanisms alluded to earlier. That is, 
certain conditions lead us to alter the facts that we are 
explicitly given^ resulting in a representation that allows us 
to store multiple facts about a topic without substantial 
increases in fanning. It is time to describe these 
organizational conditions. 

Conditions that Foster Organization in Sentence Memory 

Facts that subdivide into distinct groups . The first 
condition is chat the facts to be learned come from distinct 
groups. In such a case, we may subdivide our memory 
representations and thereby boost retrieval. Figure 3 
illustrates this. 

Panel A shows a simplified HAM-ACT representation of four 
racts. (To expedite matters, relation names like subject and 
predicate have bean replaced by the first letters of these 
names.) The facts correspond to the two sentences previously 
illustrated plus two additional ones: "Woody Allen writes 
stories" and "Woody Allen dislikes LA." There are now four 
links fanning off the "Woody Allen" node, and this spells 
trouble for the retrieval process. Panel B shows how to get 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Writes Stories 

B. Subdivided Network 

Figure 3. Propositional representations of four facts (see 
text) based on: (A) Anderson and Bower (1973) and Anderson (1976), 
and (B) a subdivided network. (Both A and O are used as labels 
to indicate the relation mry be thought of as either argument or 
object. ) 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


rid of the trouble. The representation there has been altered 
to take advantage of the natural division among the facts. 
The "Woody Allen" node now leads to two subnodes: one 
designating professional activities and the other^ experiences 
with cities. These subnodes are in turn connected to their 
relevant predicates; e.g.^ the Professional subnode connects 
to the predicates concerned with making movies and writing 
stories. The major elaboration is thus to create two subnodes 
that were not explicit in the input factS/ and to insert each 
subnode between the relevant subject and predicate nodes in 
what is called a subdivided network . 

Facts that can be integrated by prior knowledge . To 
illustrate this condition^ consider the HAM-ACT 
representations in Figure 4. Panel A represents two 
sentences: "Herb needed a diversion" and "Herb waited in 
line"? Panel B represents the same two sentences plus two 
additional ones: "Herb went to a movie" and "Herb V ought 
popcorn." There is an increase in fanning off the "Herb- node 
from two to four as we move from Panel A to Panel B. This 
means that the models we reviewed earlier would predict it 
takes longer to correctly recognize "Herb waited in line" if 
one learned the four sentences in Panel B rather than only the 
Lwo in Panel A. Intuition suggests otherwise. The four facts 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


A. 2 Pacts 

Figure 4. Prepositional representations based on 
Anderson and Bower (1973) and Anderson (1976) for: (A) 
two unrelated facts and (B) four integrated facts (see 
text) • 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


in Panel B seem to make up a coherent unit while the two in 
Panel A are more difficult to integrate. Here our 
sentence-memory models seem to be missing a critical 
point: facts integratable by some prior knowledge (like 
knowledge about going to a movie) may not function as 
independent propositions in memory. 

Facts containing perfectly correlated predicates . The 
condition of interest is illustrated by the sentences in Table 
1, On both the left- and right-hand sideS/ there is one fact 
about John^ one about Ed^ and three each about Woody and Mel, 
Furthermore / for both the sentences on the left and those on 
the right- each predicate is used twice^ and the trio of 
predicates attributed to Woody or Mel are not readily 
integrated by any salient packet of pr:or knowledge. What 
then is the difference between the two sentence sets? The 
predicates on the left are perfectly correlated whereas those 
on the right are not. Given the facts on the left/ if someone 
makes movie s^ that same someone was born in Brooklyn and went 
to California; or if someone visited Virginia, that is all he 
did. In contrast/ for the facts on the right, if someone 
makes movies, he may have been born in Brooklyn (like Woody) 
or he may net have (like Mel) . Perfectly correlated 
predicates seem to provide some structure to the input facts. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Table 1 

Sentences with Predicates that 
Vary in Correlation 

Perfectly Correlated 
John visited Virginia 
Ed visited Virginia 

Less than Perfectly Correlated 
John visited Virginia 
Ed was born in Brooklyn 

Woody was born in Brooklyn 
Woody makes movies 
Woody went to California 
Mel was born in Brooklyn 
Mel makes movies 
Mel went to California 

Woody was born in Brooklyn 
Woody makes movies 
Woody went to California 
Mel visited Virginia 
Mel makes movies 
Mel went to California 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


And people seem to use this structure: though the variations 
in fanning are identical in both sets of sentences, only the 
sentences on the right produce a fan effect on recognition 
latencies (Whitlow, Medin, & Smith, Note 1).^ 

Subdividing Faets from Distinct Groups 
The first task is to present empirical evic«once about how 
facts memorized from distinct groups facilitates retrieval. 
Wte start with research on the fan effect and then move on to 
other empirical phenomena. After that, we will discuss 
theoretical mechanisms. 

Empirical Evidence 

Fan effects on recognition latency . A few experiments 
have dealt with recognition latencies for memorized facts from 
distinct groups. One of the simplest is by McClosky (Note 2). 
He first had subjects learn from one to six facts about 
various people identified by occupation terms, such as the 
tailor . For each occupation term, some facts concerned 
animals, the rest countries. And for each occupation term, 
McClosky manipulated the fan level of the animal facts 
independent of the fan level of the country facts. This is 
illustrated in Table 2. For the tailor there are five facts 
about animals but only one about countries, while for the 
chemist there is one fact about animals but five about 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


countries. After memorizing these facts, subjects were given 
an Old-New recognition test. The memorized facts were 
intermixed with a like number of distractors, where each 
distractor was constructed by repairing the occupation term 
from one learned sentence with the predicate of another, e.g., 
"The tailor likes Canada" (see Table 2). The subject's task 
was to decide as quickly as possible whether each 
sentence — referred to as a probe — was Old (on the memorized 
list) or New (a distractor) . The data of major interest were 
the average times needed for correct Old and New decisions. 

To appreciate the results of the above experiment, note 
that any probe contains both an occupation and an object term 
from the memorized list. The occupation term is characterized 
by two fan levels, one designating the number of learned 
animal facts, the other the number of learned country facts. 
The object term of the probe, however, tells the subject which 
of these two sets of facts is relevant; e.g., if the object 
names an animal, only the animal facts are relevant. Thus, 
though a probe has two fan levels, one may be designated a 
relevant fan, the other an irrelevant fan. To illustrate with 
the items in Table 2, if the probe was "The tailor likes 
wolves, "the relevant fan would be five and the irrelevant fan, 
one. If McClosky's subjects used the object term of the probe 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Table 2 

Example of Sentences Used in McClosky (Note 2) 


The tailor likes wolves 
The tailor likes rabbits 
The tailor likes bears 
The tailor likes tigers 
The tailor likes pigs 

The chemist likes wolves 


The tailor likes Portugal 

The chemist likes Portugal 
The chemist likes Canada 
The chemist likes England 
The chemist likes Brazil 
The chemist likes Italy 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


to decide which set of memorized facts was relevant^ their 
recognition latencies should have systematically increased 
with the relevant fan but not with the irrelevant fan. This 
is roughly what McClosky found. Recognition latency increased 
about 370 msec as the relevant fan increased from one to five, 
but increased only about 100 msec as the irrelevant fan varied 
over this same range. While the 100 msec increase may suggest 
subjects were considering the irrelevant facts, two points 
mitigate against this: the 100 msec increase did not reach a 
conventional level of statistical significance; and part or 
all of the increase may reflect the time needed to decide 
whether the object term names an animal or country. All 
things considered/ McClosky's results suggest that people can 
sometimes subdivide their knowledge and use information in the 
probe to direct their search to the relevant subgroup. 

In the above study, the subdivision was based on a 
semantic aspect: the object term named either an animal or a 
country. Anderson and Paulson (1978) looked at a different 
baisis for subdivision. Using a paradigm like that described 
above, they showed that if some facts about an object are 
presented pictorially while others are presented as verbal 
descriptions, subjects may use this difference in mode of 
presentation as a basis for subdivision. When Anderson and 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Paulson's subjects were given a recognition test, if the probe 
was a verbal description of an object, for example, 
recognition latency increased substantially with the number of 
verbally presented facts about that object but only minimally 
with the number of pictorially presented facts about the 

The above studies have two limitations. First, the only 
bases for subdivision that have thus far been demonstrated are 
simple ones — the semantic category of a probe word and the 
modality of presentation. If subdivision is confined to such 
simple aspects, it could not play much role in real-life 
memory situations and hence could not be the only means of 
organization used. Second, though the above results suggest 
people can restrict their search to the subgroup deemed 
relevant by the probe, we will soon have cause to question 
whether search processes in irecognition are usually this 
selective . 

Free recall of categorized lists . The previous studies 
make excellent contact with models of sentence memory because 
they focus on the fan effect. But while these studies are 
analytic, they provide too narrow a view of subdivision. 
Subdivision can have striking effects on recall, both the 
amount recalled and the structure c the recall. Thest 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


effects have recently been demonstrated in prose recall (Black 
& Bower r 1980) ^ but they have been most extensively documented 
in studies dealing with the free recall of word lists. 

Those concerned with free recall of word lists long ago 
discovered that recall improves when the words are drawn from 
a few semantic categories. Suppose subjects are presented a 
list of 40 words. They will recall more if the list consists 
of five instances froin each of eight semantic categories — just 
the instance Sr not the category names — than i:c all words are 
semantically unr«»lated (e.g.^ Cohenr 1963? Puff, 1970). This 
effect depends pr-vrtly on subjects being aware of the 
categorical sti cv.ire of the list 5;t the time of input (Gofer, 
Bruce, & Reicher, 1966), which suggests the effect depends on 
setting up a certain kind of representation. The obvious 
possibility is a representation that is subdivided according 
to categories (Bousfield & Cohen, 1953). Figure 5 presents 
an example. Though the category terms — animals , c ountries ^ 
etc. — did not appear in the input list, they have been 
inserted in the representation as subnodes and are connected 
to nodes for words that did appear in the input. 

This representation seems consistent with three important 
findings about recall from categorized lists. 




of Factual Knowledge 

Figure 5. Example of a subdivided representation for a 
categorized list. 



Organization of Factual Knowledge 


(1) Recall is clustered by categor ies . Subjects 
recall a number of instances from one category 
in success ion^ then a number of instances from 
another category^ and so on (Bousf ield, 1953) • 
This suggests that subjects retrieve a category 
subnoder search its links to instances^ and move 
on to the next subnode. 

(2) Recall is "some or none . " Typically either 
several instances of a category are recalled or 
none are (Cohenr 1965) , This suggests that if 
one cannot get to a particular subnode^ there is 
no other path to its instances. 

(3) Category cueing aids recall . If recall is 
substantially less than perfect, giving subjects 
the category terms as cues will enable them to 
retrieve some of the missing items (Tulving & 
Pearlstoner 1966). The. cues apparently allow 
subjects to retrieve subnodes they missed in 
their initial recall. 

Theoretical Meclianisms 

Retrieval processes for free recall . To illustrate the 
mechanisms involved, consider Figure 6. It contains some 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


facts that a devotee of Woody Allen might have stored. The 
top node designates the concept "Woody Allen." Then there are 
two levels of subnodes. The first distinguishes "Personal" 
and "Professional Life," while the nature of the subnodes at 
the next level depend on whether they are dominated by 
"Professional" or "Personal-Life" subnodes. Subnodes under 
"Personal Life" designate periods or eras of life (Kolodner, 
1978)— like "Early Childhood," "Boyhood," "Marriage," 
etc. — whereas subnodes under "Professional Life" designate 
different occupational and artistic roles — like "Gagwriter," 
"Storywr iter, " and "Filmmaker." 

Consider how the information in the network might be 
retrieved during free recall. If the possessor of the above 
network were asked to say everything he knew about Woody 
Allen, he would presumably enter at the top node and traverse 
either the link to the "Professional" or "Personal-Life," with 
the strength or accessibility oi^ these links determining which 
one is chosen (Rundus, 1973; Shiffrin, 1970). Assume he took 
the path to "Professional Life." Then he would traverse one 
of the links leading to a more specific subnode, e.g., 
"Filmmaker" (the choice again determined by link strength), 
and start searching paths from this specific subnode, emitting 
each fact he found, e.g., "Woody Allen's films include Annie 

Woody AUen 


Personal Life 

Professional Life 

Born 1936 

Boyhood Marriage Other 

Born in 

Raised Little 
in League 

Mien KonigBberq 

Louise \ Bricknan 


Gagwriter Storywriter Filmmaker 


Sid Cesar 

Started in 
High School 



Getting Even 


Interiors Love 

Pla;[ it Again Death 

Annie Hall 



Figure 6, Example of a subdivided network for knowledge 
about Woody Allen. 













? 31 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Hall and Manhattan ," Having done what can ^ith the facts 
under a specific subnode^ our respondent would presumably find 
his way back to the higher fiubnode that was activated, 
"professional Life," trace a path down to another specific 
subnode, e.g., "Gagwriter," and start searching pathr from 
there to specific facts. Once he has done his utmost with the 
accessible subnodes under "Professional Life," our respondent 
would move on to "Personal Life" and the specific subnodes it 

This scheme is consistent with the free-recall findings. 
Following the process just outlined, our respondent would 
cluster his recall by specific subnodes (e.g., he would recall 
Allen^s movies in one group), as well as by higher-level 
subnodes (e.g., he would recall Allen^s movies closer to 
Allen^s published stories than to facts about Allen^s 
boyhood) . His recall should also have a some-or-none 
character, e.g., he would either not mention anything about 
Allen^s marriages or mention most facts he has stored about 
them. And should our respondent fail to emit anything at all 
about a particular subnode like "Gagwriter," reminding him 
that Allen was once a gagwriter might bring forth the relevant 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Co nsiderations of efficiency . The above retrieval scheme 
is extremely efficient because each node has a relatively 
small number of links fanning off of it. We were able to 
depict over 20 facts about Woody Allen while keeping the 
maximum fan off a node down to six. The largest nur/iber of 
links one would ever have to traverse is eight (for a question 
about films made)^ while the smallest is four (for a question 
about gagwriting). High efficiency could be maintained even 
with a substantial increase in the number of facts by 
increasing the number of subnodes at each level and/or the 
number of levels. 

However r research on the recall of categorized lists 
suggests a limit to the amount of subdivision possible. 
Handler ^s (e.g.r 1967) studies indicate that recall is maximal 
with 5i2 categories or nodes per level; if more than this are 
used to divide up a fixed number of facts, recall starts to 
decline. Since there is no reason to think otherwise, we 
assume this 5±2 limit might hold at all levels. What about a 
limit to the number of levels? As no one seems to have worked 
with categorized lists using more than three levels, it is 
possible that this factor is also governed by some small 
number. If it is again about five, an optimal subdivided 
network, five levels with five nodes per level, could 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


represent 3^225 facts without requiring the retrieval process 
to ever inspect more than 25 nodes. This remarkable 
efficiency may account for why hierarchical representations 
have been shown to be such powerful recall aids in general 
(Bower, Clark, Winzenz, & Lesgold, 1969? Nelson & Smith, 
1972), and why they are so widely used as storage devices in 
computer systems (where they are referred to as discrimination 
nets) . 

Retrieval processes for recognition . For recognition, 
there is in principle no need to search the entire network* 
To illustrate, given the probe "Was Woody Allen ever married 
to Louise Lasser?", our respondent could enter at the top of 
the network, use the probe to get to the "Personal-Life" 
subnode, and then again use the probe to get to "Marriage" 
(Note that to use the probe to get to "Personal-Life," our 
respondent must know that marriage pertains to personal life) . 
Under this view, the search process is selective, in the sense 
that it uses information from higher-level subnodes to select 
the appropriate lower -level ones. 

Problems for this view arise, however, if we alter our 

probe slightly to, "Was Woody Allen ever involved with Louise 

Lasser?" Now the analysis of the probe that gets our 

respondent to "Personal-Life" must be quite complex. It 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


cannot simply use "involved with" as an access condition for 
"Personal-Life^ " for the question "Was Woody Allen ever 
involved with Sid Caesar?" will get our respondent to the 
"Professional-Life" subnode. It seems that to get to the 
"personal-Life" node for the Louise Lasser question but not 
for the Sid Caesar oner we have to consider the fact that 
Woody Allen is a notoricus heterosexual r thereby making it 
plausible that "involved w.lth" can be given a romantic reading 
with Louise Lasser but not with Sid Caesar. But Allen^s 
heterosexuality is the kind of fact that is presumably 
represented at some lower-level subnode r so how can we have 
access to it while still working at a top-level subnode? More 
generally^ selection of a higher-level subnode may sometimes 
rest on information at lower-level nodes, which is at odds 
with the idea of a selective search where one only accesses 
lower-level nodes by first going through higher-level ones* 
It seems, then, that search processes in recognition are 
considering lower-level nodes at the same time as higher-level 
ones* To illustrate with the above example, we seem to search 
up from the nodes for Louise Lasser or Sid Caesar at the same 
time we search down the nodes of the hierarchy. 

Considerations like these in a different domain led 
Anderson (1976, Chapter 8; King & Anderson, 1976) to reject 

Organization of Factue;! Knowledge 


the notion of selective search altogether ^ i^nd to opt for a 
spreading activation process that starts at the probe concepts 
and then searches blindly through a network. This seems to be 
a reasonable move^ but there are two problems with it that 
have to be faced. Firsts we have to reconcile the lack of 
selective search in recognition with the idea that search 
appears directed in free recall/ i.e., enter at the top of the 
hierarchy and search systematically through it. (Direction is 
a necessary component for selection.) This can be done by 
noting that there is typically only a single retrieval cue in 
free-recall — in our free-recall example/ the only cue was the 
name "Woody Allen" — and this cue permits access to only the 
top of the network. In contrast/ a recognition probe 
typically contains multiple retrieval cues — e.g./ "Woody 
Allen/" "involved with/" and "Louise Lasser" — thereby 
permitting simultaneous access to multiple parts of the 
network. Under this vieW/ which is essentially due to Tulving 
(1974)/ people use whatever retrieval cues they can and 
so-called directed-search is what happens when they are forced 
to work with a single cue. 

The second problem is that the fan experiments reviewed 
earlier/ McClosky (Note 2) and Anderson and Paulson (1978)/ do 
provide evidence for selective search in recognition^ which of 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


course contradicts the generalization that such a search is 
not used in recognition. A resolution here may hinge on 
something mentioned earlier: the fan experiments in question 
used very simple bases for subdivision, such 6 the r lanr 
category of a probe word. Perhaps selective s^-^^ch is used 
when the basis for selection is easily computed from the 
prober like determining whether the last word of the probe 
names an animal or country, but is not used when such 
computations become at all complex, like determining "involved 
with Ixjuise Lasser" means something about romance. 

The status of subdivided networks as a r organization 
device . Let us summarize the main points made above. Free 
recall data provide good evidence that we car subdivide our 
knowledge, and that the concomitant reduction in 
fan-level-per-node facilitates the retrieval process. Since 
we can subdivide when preparing for free recall, it seems 
likely that we can also do so for recognition. In 
recognition, however, subdivision also has the potential to 
permit a selective search (as well as a reduction in 
fan-level-per-node) , but such selectivity may only occur in 
certain simple cases. 

So at this point, subdivision-without-selectivity seems a 
reasonable organizational devica, primarily because of its 


Oirganization of Factual Knowledge 


reduction in fan level. There is, however, a cost to 
subdivision that places limits on how widespread a device it 
can be. Dividing our knowledge into different chunks ignores 
existent relations between facts stored under different 
subnodes. Since people know these relations and use them in 
answering questions, subdivided networks cannot be the only 
way we represent substantial bodies of knowledge. 

can again illustrate with the Woody Allen network. 
Under the "Personal-Life" node, we had a subnode for romantic 
relations that was connected to facts about Allen's relation 
with Diane Keaton, while under "Professional-Life" we had a 
"Filmmaker" subnode connected to facts about Allen's movie 
Annie Hall . But as any devotee of Allen knows, his relation 
with Keaton formed the basis for Annie Hall . So to be true to 
our knowledge base, we need some sort of connection between 
these disparate subnodes. One way to do this is to insert a 
link between the film Annie Hall and the relevant facts about 
Allen's relation to Keaton. But this move can substantially 
increases the number of facts fanning off the "Annie Hall" 
node, yet the whole point of subdivision is to keep the 
fanning down; An alternative is to add a fact to the 

"Annie Hall" node, namely that it was based on Allen's 
relation to Keaton. This will increase the fanning off "Annie 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Hall" by only one fact. But this move is not really faithful 
to the knowledge of a Woody Allen fanatic who presumably knows 
how various aspects of Allen's personal relations mapped onto 
different aspects of the film in question. That is, part of 
what is known here is how one structure- maps onto another. 
More generally, part of a rich knowledge base about any topic 
consists of relations between seemingly disparate facts, and 
subdivided networks seem more disposed to keeping such facts 
apart than to depicting their • subtle connections. 

Fact3 Integratable by Prior KnowJ.edge 
Empirical Evidence 

Again we first consider findings about fan effects, then 
take up results with other memory measures, and lastly 
consider theoretical mechanisms. 

Fan effects on recognition latency . A few recent 
experiments demonstrate that learning new facts about a topic 
causes little fan effect when the propositions are 
integratable. in the first set of studies (Smith, Adams, & 
Schoor, 1978), subjects learned either two or three facts 
about a person designated by an occupation term, such as the 
banker . Some subjects learned facts that were -easily 
integratable by prior knowledge, like those in the top of 
Table 3. The two facts about the bank -^r fit with what we know 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


about christening a ship, the three facts about the accountant 
are consistent with knowledge about playing a bagpipe. The 
remaining subjects learned facts that were not so 
integratable^ as illustrated by the items in the bottom of 
Table 3. 

For both the integrated and unrelated facts in Table 3, 
the fan off the "banker" node is two and that off the 
"accountant" is three. This means that current models of 
sentence memory would expect comparable fan effects on 
recognition latency for both kinds of facts. When subjects in 
the Smith et al. study were given a recognition task after 
learning the facts, however r there was a substantial fan 
effect wlUli the unrelated items but not with the integrated 

Apparently subjects given the facts in the top half of 
Table 3 used their world knowledge about ship christenings and 
playing a bagpipe to integrate the facts. That world 
knowledge was indeed activated showed up in other findings by 
Smith et al., specif ically, findings concerned with the 
distractors in the recognition task. Most distractors were 
formed by repairing the occupation term from one learned 
sentence with the predicate of another (call these repaired 
distractors) ; some distractors, however, were formed by 

Table 3 

Example of Sentences Used in Smith, Adams, and Schoor (1978) 

Integrated Facts 

The banker was chosen to christen the ship The accountant played a damaged bagpipe 

The banker broke the bottle The accountant produced sour notes 

The accountant realized the seam was split 

Unrelated Pacts 




The banker was asked to address the crowd The accountant painted an old barn 3 



The banker broke the bottle The accountant produced sour notes J. 

The accountant realized the seam was split § 



U) HI 
00 0 




Organization of Factual Knowledge 


changing one word in a learned sentence so that it remained 
consistent with the relevant world knowledge (call these 
related distr actor s) . To illustrate with the distractors for 
"the banker" (see Table 3), a repaired distractor would be 
"The banker realized the seam was split," while a related one 
would be "The banker broke the champagne bottle." The 
findings of interest were that subjects who learned integrated 
facts responded slower and made more errors on related than 
repaired distractors (presumably because related distractors 
were consistent with the accessed world knowledge), while 
subjects who learned unrelated facts did just the reverse. 
Hence one indication of the use of world knowledge is the 
difficulty of rejecting distractors consistent with the 

The relative lack of a fan effect with integrated facts 
has been replicated by Moesher (1979) and Reder and Anderson 
(1980). Both studies, however, revealed constraints on the 
power of integration to offset the fan effect. Moesher (1979) 
demonstrated that integrated facts are insensitive to fanning 
variations only when the facts are presented close together 
during learning. For example, if successive facts about 
christening a ship are separated by five irrelevant sentences, 
the christening facts will behave like unrelated ones. This 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


suggests that at least a couple of the integratable facts must 
be in active memory at the same time in order for the relevant 
world knowledge to be accessed. 

Reder and Anderson ^1980) showed that the fan effect is 
diminished with integrated facts only whem the distractors are 
not always consistent with the world knowledge needed for 
integration. To illustirate^ suppose subjects first learned 
facts about a particular person that all dealt with skiing and 
then were given a recognition test. If the distractors on the 
recognition test (a) used recombined subject and predicate 
terms and (b) were always consistent with skiing^ there was as 
substantial a fan effect as occurs with unrelated facts. A 
plausible interpretation of this finding goes as follows. The 
representation that results when world knowledge is used to 
integrate input facts cannot adequately discriminate between 
the input and novel facts equally consistent with the 
knowledge^ so when all distractors are consistent with the 
world knowledge^ subjects are forced to use an unelaborated 
representation of the input. 

In addition to varying the number of facts integratable 
by some packet of world knowledge or theme (e.g., skiing, 
washing clothes), Reder and Anderson also varied the number of 
themes learned about a particular person. Thus, subjects 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


might have learned three skiing facts and one clothes-washing 
fact about a fictitious character named Arnold (i.e,, two 
themes about Arnold)^ but only three skiing facts about a 
character named Bruce (one theme about Bruce) • Even in 
conditions where recognition latency was unaffected by the 
number of facts within a theme ; latency did increase with the 
number of themes learned about a person. 

Experiments on recall and recognition accuracy . Numerous 
studies show that when subjects use their prior knowledge to 
integrate some presented facts.^ recall accuracy of the learned 
facts is increased but at the price of intrusions that are 
consistent with the relevant knowledge. In a similar vein, 
recognition studies show that integration via previous 
knowledge leads to batter recognition accuracy of the learned 
items but at the cost of more false alarms to distractors 
consistent with the knowledge. Representative studies of each 
type are described below. 

!• Integration and recall . Bransford and his colleagues 
(e.g., Bransford & Johnson, 1973; Bransford & McCarrell, 1974) 
have performed several experiments that take the following 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


(1) All subjects are presented some facts that 
appear to be unrelated; 

(2) One group of subjects are also presented a clue 
specifying a packet of world knowledge that can 
be used to integrate the presented facts, while 
the remaining subjects receive no such clue; and 

(3) Subjects given the clue rate the presented facts 
as more comprehensible, and recall more of them 
on a subsequent recall test* 

We can illustrate vfith the Bransford and Johnson (1973) 
study* The seemingly unrelated facts comprised an obscure 
paragraph, whose first few lines were: 

The procedure is quite simple* First you arrange 
things into different groups. Of course, one pile 
may be sufficient, depending on how much there is to 
do* If you have to go somewhere else due to lack of 
facilities, that in the nwct step; otherwise you are 
pretty well set* 

Subjects given the clue "washing clothes" at the time of input 
rated the paragraph more comprehensible and subsequently 
recalled more propositions from it than subjects lacking the 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


clue. The power of the clue resides in its ability to access 
knowledge about the actions typically involved in washing 
clothesr where this knowledge can then be used to elaborate 
and integrate the input propositions. 

The above example shows the beneficial effects of 
integration but says nothing about its costs. The latter has 
been demonstrated by Bower r Black, and Turner (1979). They 
had subjects read stories about recurrent, stereotyped 
situations, like going to a restaurant. Subjects presumably 
utilized their world knowledge about such situations in 
understanding the input stories, and in a subsequent recall 
test, the bulk of the intrusions were consistent with the 
world knowledge presumably accessed. 

2. Integration and recognition . Some experiments on 
recognition have used a cueing vdria.ion similar to that 
employed in Bransford's studies. in Dooling and Lachman 
(1971) , for example, all subjects were presented the following 
obscure paragraph: 

With hocked gems financing him our hero bravely 
defied all scornful laughter that tried to prevent 
his scheme. "Your eyes deceive," he had said, "an 
egg not a table correctly typifies this unexplored 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


planet." Now three sturdy sisters sought proof r 
forging along r sometimes through calm vastuess. yet 
more often over turbulent peaks and valleys. Days 
became weeks as many doubters spread fearful rumors 
about the edge. At last from nowhere, welcome 
winged creatures appeared signifying momentous 
success » 

One group of subjects was given the clue at the time of 
input that the paragraph was about "Christopher OolumbuSr" 
while the remaining subjects made do with no clues> At some 
later point, all subjects were given a recognition test. It 
included old sentences from the above paragraph intermixed 
with distractorsr where some distractors were related to the 
Columbus saga. Subjects given the clue correctly recognized 
more old sentences than their non-clu€id counterparts, but the 
clued subjects H^ire also more likely to false alarm to the 
related distractors. 

Theoretical Mechanisms 

Two different kinds of mechanisms need to be considered. 
The first involves an extension of subdivided networks. The 
second focuses on some new processes, namely inferences made 
during comprehension. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Subdivided networks . The ideas here were developed by 
Reder and Anderson (1980) to account for why the fan effect on 
recognition latency is reduced if all facts learned about a 
character can be integrated by some prior knowledge. To 
extend an earlier example, if subjects already know that "The 
banker christened the ship" and "The banker broke the bottle," 
then learning that "The banker did not delay the trip" does 
not slow them down in answering questions about "the banker." 
According to Reder and Anderson, when learning the above 
facts, subjects presumably set up a subdivided network like 
that in Figure 7. The "banker" is the top node, 
"ship-christening" the only subnode, and the three specific 
predicates comprise the bottom nodes. This looks like the 
subdivided networks we considered previously. But there is 
something new here. In addition to the "ship-christening" 
subnode being attached to the three specific predicates, it is 
also associated with concepts relevant to ship christening, 
such as "bottles," "trips," and "champagne." These connections 
constitute the subjects' prior knowledge about ship 
christening, and they play a critical role in Reder and 
Anderson's subnode -activation hypothesis. Specifically, when 
a probe is presented, e.g., "The banker broke the bottle," 
there is activation at the "banker" node as well as at the 
concept nodes representing the relevant prior knowledge. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Activation from the latter nodes travels directly to the 
subnode along the pre-existent paths^ while activation from 
the "banker" node goes to the subnode along the link created 
in the experiment. So the subnode is the first likely point 
of an intersection of activation^ and such an intersection is 
assumed to be sufficient for recognition^ i.e., sufficient for 
subjects to respond "old" to a probe. 

ThuS/ even though search is not selective (all probe 
concepts are activated simultaneously) ^ and even though there 
is a substantial fan off of the subnode ^ the 
subnode -activation hypothesis is consistent with 

organizational effects. There is no fan effect because the 
search process need not examine the learned predicates. 
Related distractors {e.g., "The banker broke the champagne 
bottle") are difficult to reject because they contain terms 
that activate ti\e prior knowledge concepts and consequently 
can lead to a spurious intersection at the subnode. If all 
distractors are related, aa in some conditions of Reder and 
Anderson (1980), subnode activation is no longer a useful 
indicator of what facts were actually presented; hence, 
subjects will be forced to search the specific facts, and the 
fan effect should reappear. Lastly, the hypothesis explains 
why recognition latencies increase with the number of themes 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 





/ y 


/ y 



A/^^ Champagne 

istenina.^ ' 

Chosen to 
Christen ship 

Broke the 

Didn't delay 
the trip 

Figure 7. A subdivided network for three integrated 
facts. Dashed lines indicate prior associations to concepts 
(see text) • 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


learned about a character. Each theme requires a different 
subnode (as well as different set of prior -knowledge 
concepts) 9 and the more subnodes, the less activation to any 
one of them from the top node of the network. So the number 
of relevant themes slows recognition because it slows the rate 
oi! top-down activation^ while the number of facts-per-theme 
has no effect on recognition because such facts need not be 
examined if the distractors are unrelated to any theme. 

The virtue of tha above hypothesis is that it explains 
the recognition results for integratable facts by the same 
kind of mechanism used to account for results with facts from 
distinct groups. Thus only one basic mechanism is needed to 
account for two seemingly disparate kinds of organizational 
effects^ where this mechanism is readily inter faceable with 
Anderson'^s (1976) existent theory of sentence memory, 

Ther e ar e ^ however 9 two 1 imitations to thi s subnode 
approach. The first is that while it can account for 
variations in recognition accuracy as well as in recognition 
latency^ it is unclear how it would explain the comparable 
recall results. In the preceding accounts of fan effects, we 
assumed connections between a subnode and the specific 
concepts previously associated with it; but to account for 
recall, we need connections between a subnode and entire 



Organization of Factual Knowledge 


propositions^ since in a recall test people emit full 
sentences^ not single words designating specific concepts. We 
will not dwell on this because it is unclear whether or not 
the needed modification of the subnode approach can be easily 
made. The second difficulty with the approach is that it 
focuses exclusively on memory for integrated facts and ignores 
processes involved in the comprehension of such fjacts. This 
is problematic because it may turn out that the nemory 
phenomena obtained with integrated facts are being mediated by 
comprehension effects. This leads us to a second kind of 
theoretical mechanism. 

Interconnecting inferences by schemas . 

1- World knowledge and comprehension . We can begin by 
expanding on the above suggestion that the effects of prior 
knowledge on memory may be mediated by the effects of such 
knowledge on comprehension. Figure 8 provides an abstract 
illustration of this. Suppose a reader is presented two input 
facts and accesses some relevant world knowledge to aid in 
understanding them. The world knowledge , will be used to 
generate inferences. Some inferences will establish direct 
relations between the input facts ^ illustrated in Figure 8 by 
the link between Input Facts 1 and 2. Other inferences will 
result in inferred facts that yield a multi-link relation 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


between the input facts; this is illustrated by Inferred Pact 
2, which creates a two-link relation between the input facts. 
Once a fact is inferred, it may lead to other inferences that 
create still other multi-link relations between the input}? 
thus Inferred Fact 1 leads to Inferred Fact l"*, which in turn 
leads to Inferred Fact 2, thereby creating a four-link 
relation between the input facts. Lastly, there will Le 
inferred facts that do not result in any connection between 
the input, as illust:rated by Inferred Fact 3. 

The result of all this inferencing is a representation 
that goes far beyond the input, one that shows enablement and 
causal relations between propositions and that can be used to 
answer all sorts of questions about the input. The 
construction of such a representation is what many people mean 
by comprehension ^ Under this account, the major purpose of 
coutacting world knowledge during reading is to facilitate 
comprehension. But, and this is the critical point, note that 
in constructing this representation many of the inferences 
have interconnected the input facts, and interconnections per 
se are good for memory retrieval > For having found one fact, 
the retrieval process can follow the path to a second one. So 
a side benefit of the inference process is that it facilitates 
subsequent retrieval. Hence, the claim that many effects of 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Figure 8. Abstract illustration of use of v;orld 
knowledge in understanding two input facts. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


world knowledge on memory are mediated by effects on 

Another consequence of accessing world knowledge is 
represented by the dashed line in Figure 8. This connection 
occurs whenever the relevant world knowledge forms a 
prepackaged unit of properties and actions — what Schank and 
Abelson (1977) call a script. In such cases the reader may 
establish a connection between some node standing for the 
input and the entire script. This connection can also benefit 
memory retrieval because it allows the reader to encode the 
input by constructing a single link to a pre-existent 
higher-unit/ and to subsequently retrieve the input by tracing 
that link and unpacking the constituents of the unit. 

The above account can be made more precise by being more 
specific about the world knowledge involved and how it is used 
to generate inferences. To aid in this, we need the notion of 
a schema y which many have taken to be the basic form of 
representation for units of world knowledge (e.g., Adams & 
C llins, 1979; Rumelhart & Ortony, 1977). Roughly, a schema 
is a description of a particular set of interrelated concepts 
that may represent a specific situation, such as going to a 
movie, or a general activity that can occur in many 
situations, such as asking someone for a favor. The 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


components of a schema (either other schemas or primitive 
concepts) are often only vaguely specified? this permits them 
to function as variables that can be filled in or instantiated 
by input information with certain properties. To see what 
these ideas buy us, we will look at a specific schema and see 
how it is used in understanding and remember ing . 

2. Schemas f or specific situations ; As developed by 
Schank and Abelson (1977) , a script represents the objects and 
actions that typically occur in a recurrent, stereotyped 
situation. Figure 9 presents a hypothetical script for going 
to the movies. 

Our script contains several components. First, there^s 
the h eader or title, "Going-to-a-Movie," whose major function is 
to access the script. Anytime you read something that means 
movie-going, you presumably retrieve the script. Second, a 
script contains a list of the objects, called props , and of 
the roles that are likely to be encountered in a situation 
described by the script (see Figure 9). Mention of these 
props or roles can also access the script. Third, a script 
contains pre-conditions and outcome conditions (see Figure 9) , 
which can again access the script, and also are plausible 
inferences given the script has been accessed. For example, 
if you read "Herb went to a movie," you can infer Herb had 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Header ; Going to a Movie 

Props ; Theater, Tickets, Candycounter , Candy, Seats, Film 
Roles ; Customer , Cashi er , Re f r eshment Vendor , Usher , Owner 
Pre-Condi tions ; Goal of Seeing Movie, Money, Time 
Outcome Conditions ; Less Money, Knowledge of Film 
Actions ; 

Getting Tickets Watching Film 

Customer stands ia line Customer Enters Interior 

enables enables 
Customer Gives Cashier Money Customer Finds Seat 

result enables 
Cashier Gives Customer Tickets Customer Watches Film 

Getting Refreshments 
Customer Orders Candy 

Vendor Gives Customer Ca w 7 

Customer Gives Vendor Money 


Customer Leaves Interior 

Customer Exits Theater 

Figure 9. A sample script for moviegoing. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


some money before entering the movie and less of it when he 
got out. 

Fourth and most importantly / a script consists of the 
specific actions likely to occur in the situation. These 
actions can be grouped into chunks called scenes (Cullingford, 
1978). The script in Figure 9 contains four scenes — 

Getting Tickets, Getting Refreshments, Watching Film, and 
Leaving — and under each is listed the actions that comprise 
it. Note that the props and roles mentioned in the actions 
are schema variables; e.g.. Customer or Cashier name 
variables that can be filled in by a person playing that role 
in the story. Also note that successive actions are 
connected by labeled relations; these are critical for 
co-nprehension and retrieval processes. 

The script actions make up most of the plausible 
inferences one can draw when reading a story based on ♦-he 
script. To appreciate this, consider how our script r^^n e 
us^d to understand and subsequently retrieve the followi.*^;, 

(1) Herb wanted to see a movie. 

(2) He got a cicket. 

(3) He found a seat up front. 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


When Sentence (1) is presented, it accesses the 

Movie-going script because it mentions a precondition, i.e.. 

Herb had a goal of seeing a film. Also, Herb will be bound to 

the role of Customer. Once the script is accessed, the reader 

is expecting something from the Getting Tickets scene. This 

expectation is confirmed by Sentence (2) , which matches the 


script action "Cashier Gives Customer Tickets." At this 
point our reader can infer some of the script actions in the 
first scene that were not explicitly mentioned. We will 
assume that only those actions needed to interrelate the 
explicitly mentioned facts are inferred. For example, our 
reader might infer that Herb gave the Cashier money, for this 
proposition interconnects the first two explicitly mentioned 
ones; i.e., wanting to see a movie was the reason for Herb 
giving the Cashier money, and the latter resulted in Herb 
getting a ticket. Because Sentence (2) marks the end of the 
Getting Tickets scene, our reader will now be expecting 
something from the Getting Ref r n^^nts scene or, since ^ 
latter is optional, something from che Watching Film scene. 
Sentence (3) matches an action in the Watching Film Scene. 
Now our reader can infer some of the actions between the end 
of the first scene (explicitly mentioned in the preceding 
sentence) and the Find a Seat action of the third scene 
(explicitly mentioned in the current sentence) . Again, she 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


will presumably infer those actions needed to relate the 
explicitly mentioned sentences, e.g., she might infer that 
Herb entered the interior of the theater because i is 
proposition interconnects sentences (2) and (3). 

In general, then, one matches each stated fact to a 
script action, and one infers nonstated script actions falling 
between stated ones that are needed to relate input facts. 
The resulting representation for our vignette looks like that 
in Figure 10. it contains the input facts, some inferred 
script actions, and relations between all propositions. It 
also contains a pointer from the node for Herb to the 
movie-going script itself. 

Consider now two hypotheses about how information in 
this representation could be retrieved. In the higher-unit 
hypothesis (Smith et al., 1978), our respondent would first 
follow the link from Herb to the script itself. If the task 
required recall, could read the actions off the script. 

We further assume cher; those script actions, corresponding to 
(a) stated facts and (b) inferences needed to connect such 
facts, are explicitly tagged as such, and that these tags are 
used as guides to recall. If the task was one of recognition, 
then after accessing the script, she would match each marked 
script action to the probe until she found a match. This 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Wanted to See Movie 

reason for 
Gave Cashier Money 

Got Ticket from Cashier 

Entered Interior of Theater 

Found Seat 

Figure 10- Example of representation for moviegoing 
vignette after script processing (see text) • 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


process seems consistent with the experimental findings on 
recall and recognition accuracy. Thus for script-based facts / 
recall and recognition accuracy should be relatively high 
because only one new link .eed be examined and only one unit 
accessed in order to recover all presented facts. But good 
performance on the presented items would be purchased at the 
cost of an increase in memory confusions because all script 
actions corresponding to inferences drawn during comprehension 
are candidates for retrieval. 

As for the results from the fan experiments^ there should 
be little fan effect with integrated facts because the same 
higher unit,, the script^ is accessed regardless of how many 
facts relevant to the script have been learned. Related 
diatractors should be difficult to reject because they often 
match tagged script actions that correspond to inferences 
drawn during comprehension. Lastly, there is the finding that 
latency increases with the number of themes learned about a 
character, if each theme corresponds to a script, an increase 
in the number of scripts means an increase in the number of 
script-links off of the node for the main character (Herb in 
the above example) , and *-his fanning will slow down the search 
for the relevant higher unit. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Unfortunately^ the higher-unit hypothesis has limited 
applicability. For one thing^ the above process seems useless 
to someone who read two stories about two different people 
engaging in the same script^ for it would confuse the facts 
about one person with those about the other . Another 
difficulty is that the hypothesis is liiuited to situations for 
which people presumably have scripts. This suggests that 
facts integratable by scripts will behave differently than 
those integratable by other kinds of schemas. The little data 
available on this point show no evidence for such a difference 
(Reder & Anderson, 1980) . 

The second hypothesis is the Interconnections hypothesis. 
(It is somewhat similar to Ander song's (1976) , notion of 
elaboration.) It ignores the script entirely at the time of 
retrieval and op'^rates instead on the interconnected 
propositions in the representation. If asked to recall the 
story about Herb, our reader would start searching links from 
Herb. If she can retrieve any one of the input facts, she 
has a direct path to the others since all were interconnected 
by inferences. If she cannot retrieve any input fact but can 
access an inference made during comprehension, this will get 
her to the input since all propositions are interconnected. 
Hence script-based facts should be well recalled because of 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


their intetconnectedness, but at the price of intrusions since 
all inferences drawn during comprehension are candidates for 
recall. For a recognition task^ the process operates slightly 
dif f(-rently . If presented the probe ^ "Herb found a seat up 
fronts our reader would first access a stored fact about 
Herb, compare it to the probe^ and respond 'bid" if there was a 
match. If no match was founds our reader would follow the 
connections . from the accessed fact to see if any of them lead 
to a proposition that matches the probe. Again/ recognition 
of facts actually presented should be relatively accurate 
because they are all interconnected^ but at the cost of false 
alarms to inferences that are also part of the connected 
ne twork. 

The interconnectioi>s hypothesis seems to have something 
of a problem/ though^ in accounting for the results from the 
fan experiments. Specif ically^ while inferences drawn during 
comprehension connect input facts^ they do so at the expense 
of increasing the fanning off of predicate nodes (i.e.p the 
interco-^nections are typically relations between predicates) . 
This caused nc difficulty in explaining how integration 
facilitated recall or recognition accuracy / because every 
link from a predicate node eventually leads to another input 
fact/ and this could increase accuracy. But there is a 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


difficulty in explaining hov/ an increase in links off the 
predicate node can ever facilitate recognition latency,- A 
possible solution to this problem is to note that a link 
between predicates essentially allows one to access an entire 
proposition without going through its terminal nodes • That 
is, given the retrieval process has failed to match the probe 
to Proposition h, and given an inferential link leading from 
predicate A to Predicate one can access Proposition B 

without going through the terminal nodes of the probe again. 
This facilitation of memory access may more than compensate 
for the increase in comparison or search time due to the extra 
link off the predicate node.^ The other findings from the 
fan experiments cause no further problems for the 
interconnections hypothesis. Related distractors are 
difficult to reject because they often match inferences made 
during comprehension. Finally/ latency increases with the 
number of themes learned about a chairacter because there are 
no inferential relations between the facts associated with one 
theme and those associated with another. 

Note that the interconnections hypothesis avoi<5s the 
problems that plagued its predecessor. Since the script 
itself plays no role in retrieval/ the hypothesis can handle 
the situation where one reads and retrieves multiple stories 


Organijjation of Factual Knowledge 


based on the same script. Getting the script out of the 
retrieval process also takes care of another problem? no 
longer need there be any major difference between 
integration-via-scripts and integration-via-cther-kinds- 
of-schemas. According to the present hypothesis^ all scripts 
do for memory is interconnect propositions^ and any kind of 
schema that can make comparable interconnections should lead 
to comparable results.^ 

3, A comparison of the two kinds of mechanisms . This 
has been a long section^ and I had best summarizs the major 
issues. To account for integration effects^ we considered 
two kinds of theoretical mechanisms • The first assumed that 
subdivided networks were a sufficient representation to handle 
the effects of integration. The critical processing ideas 
were that: (a) since activation of a subnode is sufficient 
for recognition of a probe/ the memorized fact corresponding 
to the probe need not be retrieved; and (b) some of the 
subnode activation was due to concepts that were previously 
connected to the subnode and that occurred in the probe. The 
second kind of mechanism focused on a different kind of 
representation^ namely / a network of interrelated 
propositions / 9or;;e corresponding to input facts and others to 
inferences. This led to both the higher-unit and 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


interconnections hypotheses^ but since the former was argued 
to be of limited applicability ^ we will consider only the 
interconnections hypothesis in what follows • 

There are obviously many differences between the two 
kinds of mechanisms^ but at a general level the critical 
difference seems to be the following ; the interconnections 
mechanism focuses on comprehension and assumes memory effects 
are consequences of comprehension processes; subnode 
activation focuses on memory per se and assumes memory for 
integrated facts can be accounted for without a thorough 
analysis of how the facts were initially comprehended. Given 
this general difference, specific differences fall into place. 
Thus in the interconnections hypothesis, we emphasized the 
role of world-knowledge inferences because no account of 
comprehension can do without them; in the subnode approach, 
little or nothing was s id about inferences, not because Reder 
and Anderson (1980) do not believe inferences are needed in 
comprehension, but because their account of memory phenomena 
is not based on comprehension. Then there is the difference 
in parsimony. Subnode activation clearly seems the more 
parsimonious of the two when it comes to explaining memory 
data, but this may be the result of ignoring comprehension. 
That is, if Reder and Anderson had to stipulate what is 



Organization of Factual Knowledge 


involved in comprehending integrated facts^ they might end 
up positing representational and processing aspects that look 
like those in the schema-based interconnections approach/ and 
their edge in parsimony would be gone. 

Though the key difference between the approaches is a 

general one, there may be a way of bringing some specific data 

to bear on a choice between mechanisms. In the subnode 

approach/ it seems that activation from any concept connected 

to an operative subnode can contribute to recognition? in the 

interconnections approach/ only inferences needed for 

comprehension can enter into the recognition process. This 

contrast can be illustrated by an experiment I recently 

performed . 

Subjects first read four scripts-based stories, each 

consisting of seven propositions. For example/ one story was: 

Jane went to a restaurant. She went to a table and 

sat down. Then she drank a glass of water and ate a 

sandwich. Later she paid the claack with cash and 
went to get her coat. 

Later/ subjects had to decide whether each of a series of 
probe sentences "followed" or "did not follow" from one of the 
stories. According to the subnode idea/ a subject^'s 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


representation of the stories would consist of: (a) four 
subnodesy one per story (e.g.^ Restaurants) ^ with each being 
attached to the seven specific propositions in that story; 
and (b) connections between each subnode and all concepts 
previously known to be related to that subnode. PreiSumably, 
subjects would decide whether or not a probe item follows from 
a story partly on the basis of whether or not the concepts 
mentioned in the probe activate the prior-knowledge concepts 
connected to any subnodes. This predicts that any probe 
mentioning a frequent script action should be judged to follow 
from that script-based story. But this simply was not the 
case. If a probe mentioned a script action that was in no way 
needed to understand the original story, subjects uniformly 
agreed it did not follow from the story. To illustrate with 
the above restaurant story^ the probe^ "Jane ordered dessert/" 
was judged by virtually all subjects not to follow from the 
story. Yet this probe corresponds to a very frequent action 
in the Restaurant script^ more frequent than the script action 
corresponding to "Jane got up from the table" (as determined 
by the Bower et al. ^ 1979 ^ norms)/ where the latter probe was 
judged to follow from the story presumably because it was 
needed in understanding. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Having tried to make a case for favoring the 
comprehension approach, let us close this section on an 
even-handed note by pointing out that even the 
interconnections hypothesis must give some role to subdivided 
networks. For script-based stories, if a character engages in 
activities from two or more unrelated scripts, the final 
representation would likely be in the form of a subdivided 
network: each branch of the network would contain its own set 
of interrelated input facts and inferences, and the subnodes 
would be the relevant script headers. 

Facts with Correlated Predicates 
Empirical Evidence 

As best we know, the organizational condition of present 
interest has been explicitly studied only in a series of fan 
experiments that we recently conducted (Whitlow, Medin, & 
Smith, Note 1) . 

Fan experiments . In our initial experiment, subjects 
learned either one, two, or three facts about a person 
designated by an occupation term. Half the subjects learned 
facts like those on the left side of Table 4, the other half 
learned facts like those on the right side. The only 
difference between the two sets of facts is that the 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


predicates on the left are perfectly correlated whereas those 
on the right are not. For the sentences on the left^ if 
someone "cleaned the wall/' he also "pushed the trucks" while 
if someone "moved the bucket," that^s all he did; not so for 
the sentences on the rights where if someone "cleaned the 
wall," he might have "pushed the truck" or he might not have. 
Since all previously published studies of the fan effect used 
less than perfectly correlated predicates^ we wanted to see 
if this effect held up when the predicates were perfectly 

Learning was followed by the usual speeded recognition 
task. For correct responses to both Old and New items / we 
determined the fan effects separately for perfectly correlated 
predicates and for less than perfectly correlated ones. The 
results are in the first two rows of Table 5 (magnitude of 
the fan effect is estimated by subtracting the latency for the 
fan-1 condition from that for the fan-3 condition) . There was 
a substantial fan effect when the predicates were less than 
perfectly correlated but not when they were perfectly 

At first we thought our results could be due to the 
following. With less than perfectly correlated predicates, a 
particular predicate, e.g., "pushed the truck," sometimes 


Table 4 

Example of Sentences Used in Whitlow, Medin, and Smith (iJote 1) 

Perfectly Correlated Pr_e_dicates Less than Perfectly Correlated Predicates 
The banker moved the bucket The banker moved the bucket 

The artist moved the bucket The artist cleaned the wall 

The lawyer cleaned the wall The lawyer cleaned the wall 

The lawyer pushed the truck The lawyer pushed the truck ' ' 


The farmer cleaned the wall The farmer moved the bucket 2 

The farmer pushed the truck The farmer pushed the truck j;- 




. 0 


^ 0 







Table 5 

Magnitude of Pan Effects in Msec (Fan 3-Fan 1) 
for Whitlow, Medin, and Smith Studies 

Perfectly Correlated 




Experiment 1 




Concrete \ 




- 10 

Experiment 2 

Abstract i 




- 75 

Experiment 3 i 




- 60 


- 70 

Less than Perfectly 
Correlated Predicates 







Organization of Factual Knowledge 


occurs in the context of one predicate, "cleaned the wall," 
and sometimes in the context of another, "moved the bucket" 
(see Table 4). If context alters meaning, then the meanings 
of the less than perfectly correlated predicates were more 
variable than those of the perfectly correlated predicates, 
and this might have determined whether or not a fan effect 
occurred. A second experiment, however, convinced us that 
meaning variability was not the critical factor. 

Again, one group of subjects learned facts with perfectly 
correlated predicates, another learned facts with less than 
perfectly correlated predicates, in addition, each group was 
split into two subgroups: one worked with concrete predicates 
(e.g., "lifted the bucket") and was instructed to think of a 
particular predicate the same way when it occurred in 
different contexts (i.e., with different companion 
predicates) ; the other subgroup worked with abstract 
predicates (e.g., "moved the object") and was instructed to 
think of a particular predicate in different ways when it 
occurred in different contexts. The former subgroup should 
have exper ienced less meaning variability. Though this 
variation affected recognition latencies, it did not determine 
whether or not there was a fan effect. We again found fan 
effects only when predicates were less than perfectly 
correlated (see the middle rows of Table 5). 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


A last experiment sought to rule out a possible artifact 
(brought to our attention in a person conununication by G. 
Bower in 1978) . When subjects learn facts that always have 
perfectly correlated predicates^ they could adopt a 
task-specific strategy. During learning^ they could tag each 
occupation term and each predicate with its fan level (one^ 
twoy or* three)/ and then during recognition^ they could 
respond Old to any probe whose occupation term and predicate 
had the same fan level. A glance back at Table 4 should 
convince yci: this strategy always yields correct 
recognitions only for sentences with perfectly correlated 
predicates. Thus in our previous experiments^ this strategy 
was available only to subjects who worked with perfectly 
correlated predicates and could be the reason they showed no 
fan effect. 

To discourage this strategy^ we had all subjects learn 
two sets of sentences/ half having perfectly correlated 
predicates/ and half less than perfectly correlated ones. 
With this design/ subjects should be unlikely to use the above 
strategy since it would frequently produce incorrect decisions 
on facts with less than perfectly correlated predicates. The 
results/ presented in the bottom rows of Table 5/ replicated 
our previous findings. Apparently the power of perfectly 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


correlated predicates to offset the fan effect is not due t 
the use of a specific strategy. 

Implications fo r memory for real-world topics . In the 
above^ we described the critical variable as perfectly 
correlated vs. less than perfectly correlated predicates . 
While literally correct, this is probably misleading. 
Since each predicate occurred just twice in our studies, only 
a limited range of correlations was possible, and our subjects 
may have been able to detect a correlation only among 
perfectly correlated predicates. The less than perfectly 
correlated predicates may have been perceived as uncorrelated, 
and a better description of our variable may be correlated vs. 
uncorrelated predicates . Following this line of argument, we 
suspect we could substantially reduce the fan effect with any 
set of predicates having a noticeable correlation. 

If correct, the above conjecture has an important 
implication for fan effects. Since predicates about 
real-world entities or objects tend to be substantially 
correlated, one would expect little change in retrieval 
efficiency as more facts are learned about a real-world 
entity. To illustrate, consider classes of real-world 
objects, like various kinds of animals, plants, and human 
artifacts. As Rosch (e.g., 1978) has argued, the predicates 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


associated with such classes tend to be highly correlated. 
Creatures with feathers^ for example^ also have wings and tend 
to fly; so if you already know that robins have feathers and 
wingS/ then learning that they also fly should not retard the 
efficiency of the retrieval process the way learning an 
uncor related predicate would. More generally^ to the extent 
the world comes in packages of correlated predicates^ there 
may be little retrieval interference engendered by learning 
multiple facts about the same topic. 

Theoretical Mechanisms 

In what follows, we briefly consider how well the 
theoretical mechanisms already discussed can be extended to 
account for the lack of a fan effect with perfectly correlated 
predicate^:;. We can start with the subnode-act ivation 
hypothesis. When our subjects came across a set of study 
sentences where everyone who "cleaned the wall" also "pushed 
the truck/" they may have assumed there was a category of 
people who clean walls and push trucks. Subjects might then 
use these categories as subnodes in a network like that in 
Figure 11. Here^ the bottom nodes refer to the people who are 
members of each subnode or category. While the representation 
seems plausible^ the subnode-act ivation hypothesis cannot 
account for the obtained lack of fan effects. Recall that 

Organization of Factual Knowlodge 


this hypothesis explains the lack of fan effects as follows: 
a subnode can be activated before any newly learned fact 
because the subnode receives activation from concepts that 
have been previously linked to it and that also occur in the 
probe . In the present case , however ^ any subnode that 
corresponds to a set of predicates is novel. Therefore^ there 
may not be any concepts previously linked to it 9 which means 
there is no way for a subnode to be activated prior to 
activation of the learned facts. 

AS for the higher-unit hypothesis^ we again assume 
subjects treat correlated predicates as defining a category of 
people. They would set up a higher-unit for each category 
that contains the correlated predicates characterizing it. 
Information about an occupation term could be encoded by a 
single connection to the appropriate higher-unit. If later 
asked to recognize any proposition about a particular 
occupation term^ subjects need consider only one link to 
access the higher -unit, and could then unpack the unit. So 
this hypothesis is consistent with the lack of fan effects. 

Fiially^ the interconnections hypothesis would assume 
that when presented correlated predicates^ subjects infer a 
co-occurrence relation between them^ thereby interconnecting 
the input facts. When later required to recognize a study 

Organization of Factual Knov/ledge 



Bucket- Wall'-clGaning- 

mover s tr uck-push er s 

\ / \ 

Banker Artist Lawyer Farmer 

Figure 11. Segment of a possible subdivided network for 
correlated predicates (see text) . 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


sentence y subjects would use these inter-predicate connections 
the way they presumably use interconnections established when 
reading integratable facts. That is^ they would use the 
inter-predicate connections as an aid in accessing a new 

Sununary and Conclusions 
Recapitulation of Major Points 

Of one thing there is no doubt. When learning multiple 
facts about the same topic^ various factors induce us to 
organize the material, and this will lead to retrieval of the 
input facts that is substantially better than would be 
predicted by current models of sentence memory. This boost in 
retrieval shows up in three different memory indicators — 
recall accuracy, recognition accuracy, and recognition latency 
(i.e., reduced fan effects). More specifically: (a) Facts 
that subdivide into distinct groups lead to reduced fan 
effects and to increased recall accuracy. (b) Facts 
integratable by prior knowledge can result in reduced fan 
effects, as well as in increases in recall and recognition 
accuracy (though at the cost of thematically related 
intrusions in recall and poorer performance on related 
distractors in recognition). And (c) facts containing 
correlated predicates lead to reduced fan effects. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


With i-egard to theoretical mechanisms^ things are less 
clear* There is consensus on only one point — that a 
subdivided network can be used to organize facts from distiact 
groups. More precisely: (a) if people learn facts from 
distinct groups; and (b) show a distinctive pattern on a 
speeded recognition task (increased latency with increases in 
the relevant fan but not with increases in the irrelevant 
fan)/ or another distinctive pattern on a recall test 
f "ome-or-none recall clusters); then (c) they have represented 
the input facts in terms of a subdivided network. 

When we move to our second organizational condition 
facts integratable by prior knowledge — theoretical opinions 
diverge. The subnode activation hypothesis holds that the 
facts are represented by a subdivided network with themes 
serving as the subnodes. As long as most distr actors are 
unrelated to the themes, people can use activation of a 
subnode as a basis for recognition, part of this activation 
coming from concepts that were previously linked to the 
subnode and that now appear in the probe. Since specific 
facts need not be accessed, retrieval is rapid and independent 
of the number of facts learned about a topic. The alternative 
position focuses on the comprehension of integratable facts. 
It holds that comprehension involves using schemas to draw 

Organizcition of Factual Knowledge 


inferences about the input, as well as possibly establishing a 
link between some component of the input and the schema 
itself. Some inferences interconnect the input facts, 
thereby providing alternate access routes during recall or 
recognition, which boost memory in both kinds of tasks. If a 
connection between the input and the schema itself has been 
established, retrieval can be accomplished by simply accessing 
the schema and reading the input facts off of it. As only one 
link need be accessed, retrieval should be rapid and 
independent of the number of schema-based facts that were 
lear ned. 

When we tried to extend these hypotheses to explain the 
lack of fan effects with correlated predicates, the clearest 
result was that the subnode activation hypothesis failed. 
Specifically, while it seemed plausible that each set of 
correlated predicates was dominated by a single subnode in a 
subdivided network, such a subnode was likely a novel concept 
and hence unlikely to have concepts previously linked to it 
that could contribute to its activation. 

While the above hardly provides firm answers to the 
theoretical questions raised in the Introduction, it does 
suggest no one mechanism is going to cover all organizational 
conditioHL^ Thus, subd ivided networks seem our best 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


contender for describing what goes on with facts from distinct 
groups^ but an unlikely alternative for explaining the results 
for facts containing correlated predicates. Similarly^ our 
interconnections hypothesis works best in explaining 
variations in memory accuracy with integratable facts^ and 
seems beside the point when it comes to accounting for results 
with facts from distinct groups. So we may need all three 
mechanisms — subdivided networks^ higher units, and 
interconnections . 

The Status of the Fan Effect 

One strategy followed throughout is to take the fan 
effect as a kind of landmark, and to use reductions of this 
effect as indicators^ of organizational factors. While the 
theoretical importance of the fan effect seems to justify 
this strategy, some comment is in order about the limited 
generality of this effect. 

We have seen that any one of three different factors can 
reduce the fan effect. Hence, a substantial fan effect occurs 
only when the facts to be learned conform to the following 
conjunction of negative conditions: (a) the facts are not 
from distinct groups, (b) they are not readily integratable by 
prior knowledge, and (c) they do not contain correlated 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


predicates. The work of Hayes-Roth (1977) supplies still 
another negative factor: (d) the facts are not well practiced. 
So a fan effect is obtainable in the laboratory only under a 
choice of parameters that captures a four-fold conjunction of 
negative conditions. This means the effect is not among our 
most robust laboratory phenomena. Furthermore, the above 
conjunction of negative conditions may rarely occur in real 
life. The vast majority of real-life learning situations 
involve facts that are integratable by prior knowledge and/or 
have correlated predicates. Most times that we read text (or 
listen to utterances) , we are exposed to multiple facts 
about a topic that are integratable by prior knowledge; if 
this was not the case, we would probably judge the text 
incoherent. And when we think of real-life cases where the 
facts presented are not integratable by prior knowledge, the 
situations that come most readily to mind are where we learn a 
novel concept. Here, the predicates of the facts are often 
highly correlated. 

The weak point in the preceding is that we are using 
laboratory experiments with a very restricted variation o; 
fanning (generally from one to three) to draw implications 
about real-life situations that may have a far greater 
variation of fanning. Thus many real-life situations may have 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


a fanning variation of 1 to 100 (e.g.^ How much do you know 
about the Mayor of San Francisco vs. about the President of 
America?) , and this huge variation may result in a substantial 
fan effect even in situations where our conjunction of 
negative conditions does not hold. The only way to check this 
is to perform laboratory experiments with conditions known to 
reduce the fan effect but with huge variations in fanning. 
Without such experiments^ we run the risk of studying a 
phenomenon that rarely occurs outside of the laboratory. 

Even if such experiments are performed and do yield 
substantial fan effects^ there is still a problem in focusing 
so much effort on laboratory situations defined by the above 
conjunction of negative conditions. For the representations 
and processes operative in situations that do not meet the 
conjunction of negative conditions may be qualitatively 
different from those operative in situations that do meet our 
conjunction. We saw a good example of this in the fan 
experiments dealing with integratable facts (at least in those 
using unrelated distractors) . Even Reder and Anderson^'s 
(1980) account of these results introduced some new 
representational aspects — namely^ the subnodes — and new 
processing assumptions — namely^ that activation of a subnode 
could trigger a recognition decision. These new aspects are 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


qualitatively different from the entities in Anderson^'s (1976; 
Chapter 8) ACT theory of sentence memory (thou'^^ih readily 
interfaceable with that theory) , and we would be unlikely to 
think of these new aspects unless people did research on 
paradigms that are not specifically configured to yield fan 

A Comprehension Approach to Memory Phenomena 

In discussing organizational mechanisms for integrated 
facts, we argued that comprehension processes ^ like 
inferencing^ may lie behind memory effects. Essentially ^ we 
singled out facts integratable by prior knowledge as the one 
condition where we need to consider comprehension in order to 
understand memory. This argument can readily be extended. 
Namely^ whenever we deal with memory for facts about the same 
topic y we first need to understand what goes on in the 
comprehension of these facts , 

Let us go back to the beginning. We started by 
considering facts from distinct groups. No mention was made 
there of comprehension. Instead^ we noted that the memory 
representation for such facts often consists of a subdivided 
network^ and traced the implications of this for retrieval. 
But, why is such a representation constructed? One 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


possibility is that it facilitates retrieval. Another is that 
a subdivided network is the natural consequence of our 
comprehension processes operating on an input where the most 
salient relations between the facts are that some belong to 
one group^ while others belong to different groups. That is^ 
if the business of comprehension processes is to find 
relations between input facts^ and the only salient relation 
is that some facts are members of the class of statements 
about countries while others are members of the class of 
statements about animals, then all the comprehension processes 
can do is construct a representation that depicts these 
class-membership relations. In short, subdivided networks are 
a kind of representation you get out of comprehension 
processes when your input is sparse on relations. 

As for the studies involving facts with correlated 
predicates, we again have a case where the input is sparse on 
relations. The only relation the comprehension processes can 
pick up on here is that some predicates co-occur with others. 

To sum up, we may have underestimated the extent to which 
memory phenomena are dependent on comprehension by 
consistently using materials that lack the stuff that makes 
comprehension go — relations. Research concerned with memory 
for integratable facts may be the only way to redress this 
imbalance . 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Reference Notes 

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University, 1980. 

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retrieval and question answering . Unpublished manuscript, 
Johns Hopkins University, 1979. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 



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1980, in press. 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


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(Eds.), Cognition and symbolic processes . New 
York : Winston, 1975 . 



Organization of Factual Knowledge 


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Dooling, D. J. , & Lachman, R. Effects of comprehension on 
retention of prose. Journal of Experimental Psychology , 
1971, 8i, 216-222. 

Hayes-Roth, B. Evolution of cognitive structure and 
processes. Ps ychological Revi ew, 1977, 84, 260-278. 

Hayes-Roth, B., & Hayes-Roth, F. The prominence of lexical 
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of Verba l Learning and Verbal Behavior , 1977, 16, 119-136. 

King, D.R.^ & Anderson, J.R. Long-term memory search: An 
intersecting activation prooes:*^. Journal of Verbal 
Learning and Verbal Behavior , 1976, 15^, 587-606. 



Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Kolodner, J.L. Memory organization for natural language 
data-base base inquiry. (Research Report No. 142). New 
Haven, Conn.: Yale University, Department of Computer 
Science, 1978. 

Lewis, C.H., & Anderson, J.R. Interference with real world 
knowledge. Cognitive Psychology , 1976, 8, 311-335. 

Handler, G. Organization and memory, in K.W. Spence & j.T. 
Spence (Eds.), The psychology of learning and motivation 
(Vol, 1). New York: Academic Press, 1967. 

Minsky, M. A framework for representing knowledge. m p.H. 
Winston (Ed.), The sychology of computer vision . New 
York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. 

Moesher, S.D. The role of experimental design in 
investigation of the fan effect. Journal of Exper im ental 
Psychology: Human Learning and Memory , 1979, 5, 125-134. 

Nelson, T.O., & Smith, E.E. Acquisition and forgetting of 
hierarchically organized information in long-term memory. 
Journal of Experimental Psychology , 1972, 95, 388-396. 

Norman, D.A., & Bobrow, D.G. On the role of active memory 
processes in perception and cognition. In C.N. Cofer 
(Ed.), The structure of human memory . San 
Francisco: Freeman, 1976. 


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Norman^ D.A.^ & Rumelhart^ D.Eo Explorations in cognition , 
San Francisco: Freeman, 1975. 

Puff/ C.R. Role of clustering in free recall. Journal of 
Experimental Psychology , 1970, 86, 384-386. 

Reder, L.M., & Anderson, J.R. A partial resolution of the 
paradox of interference: The role of integrating 
knowledge. Cognitive Psychology , 1980, in press. 

Rosch, E. Principles of categorization. In E. Rosch & B.B. 
Lloyd (Eds.), Cognition and categorization . Potomac, 
Md. : Erlbaum, 1979- 

Rumelhart, D. Notes on a schema for stories. In D. Bobrow & 

A.M. Collins (Eds.), Representations and 

understanding: Studies in cognitive sciences . New 
York: Picademic Press, 1975. 

Rumelhart, D.E., Lindsay, P.H., & Norman, D.A. A process 
model for long-term memory. In E. Tulving & W. Donaldson 
(Eds. ) , Organization and memory . New York: Academic 
Press, 1972. 

Rumelhart, D^E., & Ortony, A.. The representation of knowledge 
in memory. In R.C. Anderson, R.J. Spiro, & W.E. Montague 
(Eds.), Schooling and the acquisition of knowledge . 
Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1977. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Rundus, D. Negative effects of using list items as recall 
cues. Journal of V erbal Learning and Verbal Behavior , 
1973, 12, 43-50. 

Schank, R.C. , & Abelson, R.P. Scripts, plans, goals, and 
understanding . Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1977. 

Shiffrin, R.M. Memory search. In D.A. Norman (Ed.), Models 
of human memory . New York: Academic Press, 1970. 

Shoben, E.J., Wescourt, K. , & Smith, E.E. Differential 
performance in sentence-verification and 

sentence-recognition: Implications for the distinction 
between episodic and semantic memory., Journal of 
Experimental Psychology; Human Learning and Memory . 1978, 
4, ,,,30 4- 3 17. 

Smith, E.E. , Adarcs, U. , & Schorr, D. Fact retrieval and th . 
paradox of interference. Cognitive Psychology, 1978, 10, 

Thorndyke, P., & Sower, G.H. Storage and retrieval processes 
in sentence memory. Cognitive Psychology , 1974, 5^, 

Tulving, E. Cue-dependent forgetting. American Scientist , 
1974, 62, 74-82. 

Organization of Factual Knowledge 


Tulving, E. ^ & Pearlstone^ Z. Availability versus 
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Winograd, T. Understanding natural language. Cognitive 
Psychology , 1972, 3, 1-191. 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 



^This prediction was not e>:plicitly made by Rumelhart, 

Lindsay^ and Norman (1972) or in any other paper on the ELINOR 

model that I know of. However^ I believe it follows quite 

directly from what has been explicitly stated about the 

model's representations and retrieval processes. 

This brief review of conditions that foster organization 

has omitted Hayes-Roth's (1977) work, which indicates that 

practice can organize the constituents of a proposition into a 

single unit. The reason for the omission is that Hayes-Roth 

focuses on the organization of a single proposition, while I 

am concerned with organizing a set of propositions. 

A substantial increase would occur if there were 

numerous facts stored about Diane Keaton. 

More precisely, the proposition in Sentence (2) matches 
a simple inference drawn from the script action "Cashier Gives 
Customer Tickets." 

^The view of retrieval embodied in this solution makes a 
sharp distinction between gaining access to a meinorized 
proposition (an access stage) and inspecting the contents of 
that proposition (a comparison or search stage) . The proposed 
solution assumes that the speed-up in the access stage is 
greater than the slow-down in the comparison stage. 


Organization of Factual Knowledge 


In particular^ schemata used to encode knowledge about 

goals and plans (eJg.^ Rumelhart^ 1975; Schank & Abelson, 

1977) should lead to the same kind of memory results as 

scripts do. 

This study was done in collaboration with Mark Chambers 
and John Greeno. 




No. 1: Durkin, D. Comprehension Instruction -Where are Voo?, October 1977. (ERIC Document Repro- 
duction Service N&. ED 146 566, 14p.. PC-$1.82. IVIF $.83) 

No. 2: Asher, S. R. Sex Differences in Reading Achievement, October 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduc- 
tion Service No. ED 145 567, 30p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 3: Adams. M. J., Anderson. R. C, & Durkin, D. Beginning Reading: Theory and Practice, November 
1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 151 722, 15p.. PC-$1.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 4: Jenkins. J. R.. & Pany, D. Teaching Reading Comprehension in the Middle Grades, January 1978. 
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 151 756, 36p., PC-$3.32, MF-$.83) 

No. 5: Bruce, B. What Makes a Good Story?, June 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 
ED 158 222. 16p.. PC-$1.82, MF-$.83) 

No. 6: Anderson, T. H. Another UxJk at the Seif Questioning Study Technique, September 1978. (ERIC 
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 163 44i, 19p.. PC-$1.82, MF-$.83) 

No. 7: Pearson, P. D., & Kamil. M. L Basic Processes and Instructional Practices in Teaching Reading, 
December 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 165 118. 29p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 8: Collins, A. & Haviland. S. E. Children's Reading Problems, June 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduc- 
tion Service No. ED 172 188, 19p., PC-$1.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 9. Schallert. D. L. & Kleiman, G. M. Some Reasons Why Teachers are Easier to Understand than 
Texttnoki, June 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 172 189. 17p.. PC-$1.82 MF- 

No. 10: Baker, L Do I Understand or Do I not Understand: That is thi Question, July 1979. (ERIC 
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 174 948, 27p.. PC-$3.32, MF-$.83) 

No. 11: Anderson. R. C, & Freebody, P. Vocabulary Kno^vledge and Reading. August 1970. (ERIC Docu- 
ment Reproduction Service No. ED 177 470, 52p., PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 12: Joag-dev. C. & Steffensen. M. S. Studies of the Bicultural Reader: Implications for Teachers and 
Librarians, January 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 181 430. 28p.. PC-$3 32 MF- 

No. 13: Adams, M., & Bruce. B. Background Knowledge and Reading Comprehension, January 1980. 
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 181 431. 48p., PC-$3.32, MF-$.83) 

No. 14: Rubin, A. Making Stories, Making Sense (includes a response by T. Raphael and J. LaZansky). 
January 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 181 432, 42p.. PC-$3.32, MF-$.83) 

No. 15: Tierney. R. J., & LaZansky, J. The Rights and Responsibilities of Readers and Writers: A Contrac- 
tual Agreement (includes responses by R. N. Kantor and B. B. Armbruster), January 1980. (ERIC Docu- 
ment Reproduction Service No. ED 181 447, 32p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 16: Anderson, T. H.. Armbruster. B. B., & Kantor. R. N. How Qearty Written are Children's Textbooks? 
Or, Of Bladderworts and Ma (includes a response by M. Kane, Senior Editor, Ginn and Company), 
August 1980. 

No. 17: Tierney. R. J., Mosenthal, J., & Kantor, R. N. Some Oassroom Applications of Text Analysis: 
Toward Improving Text Selection and Use, August 1980. 




No. 1: Halff. H. M. Graphical Evaluation of Hierarchical Clustering Schemes. October 1975. (ERiC Docu 

ment Reproduction Service- No. ED 134 926. lip.. PC-$1.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 2: Spiro. R. J. Inferential Reconstruction in Memory for Connected Discourse. October 1975. (ERIC 

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 136 187. 81p.. PC-$6.32. MF $.83) 
No. 3: Goetz. E. T. Sentences in Usts and in Connected Discourse. November 1975. (ERIC Document 

Reproduction Service No. ED 134 927. 75p.. PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 4: Alessi. S. M.. Anderson. T. H.. & Biddle. W. B. hia -dyvare and Software Considerations in Computer 

Based Course Managament November 1975. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 134 928 

21p.. PC-$1.82. MF $.83) 

No. 5: Schallert. D. L. Improving Memory for Prose: The Relationship between Depth of Processing and 
Context. November 1975. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 929. 37p.. PC-$3 32 MF- 

No S: Anderson. R. C. Goetz. E. T.. Pichert. J. W.. & Kalff. H. M. Two Faces of the Conceptual Peg 
Hypothesis, January 1976. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 930 29p PC-$3 32 

No. 7: Ortony. A. Names. Descriptions, and Pragmatics. February 1976. (ERIC Document Reproduction 

Service No. ED 134 931. 25p.. PC $1.82. MF $.83) 
No. 8: Mason. J. M. QuestiorUng the Notion of Independent Processing Stages in Reading. February 

1976. [Journal of Educational Psychology. 1977. 69. 288-297) 
No. 9: Siegel, M. A. Teacher Behaviors and Curriculum Packages: Implications for Research and 

Teacher Education. April 1976. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 932 42p PC- 

$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 10: Anderson. R. C. Pichert. J. W.. Goetz. E. T.. Schallert. D. L. Stevens. K. C. & Trollip. S. R. Instantia- 
tion of General Terms. March 1976. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 933 30p PC- 
$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 11: Armbruster. 8. B. Learning Principles from Prose: A Cognitive Approach Based on Schema 

Theory. July 1976. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 934. 48p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 12: Anderson. R. C. Reynolds. R. E.. Schallert. D. L. & Goetz. E. T. Framevmrks for Comprehending 

Discourse. July 1976. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 935. 33p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 13: Rubin. A D.. Bruce. B. C. & Brown. Jt S. A Process-Oriented Language for Describing Aspects of 

Reading Comprehension. November 1976. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 136 188 

41 p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 14: Pichert. J. W.. & Anderson. R. C. Taking Different Perspectives on a Story. November 1976. 
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 936. 30p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 15: Schwartz. R. M. Strategic Processes in Beginning Reading November 1976. (ERIC Document 
Reproduction Service No. ED 134 937. 19p.. PC-$1.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 16: Jenkins, J. R.. & Pany. D. Curriculum Biases in Reading Achievement Tests. November 1976. 
(ERIC Document Reproducticr Service No. ED 134 938. 24p., PC-$1.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 17: Asher. S. R.. Hymei. S.. & Wigfield. A. Children's Comprehension of High- and Low-Interest 
Material and a Comparison of Two Cloze Scoring Methods. November 1976. (ERIC Document Repro- 
duction Service No. ED 134 939. 32p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 18: Brown. A. L. Smiley, s. S.. Day. J. D.. Townsend. M. A. R.. & Lawton, S. C. Intrusion of a Thematic 
Idea in Children's Comprehension and Retention of Stories. December 1976. (ERIC Document Repro- 
duction Service No. ED 136 189. 39p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 19: Kleiman. G. M. 77»e Prelinguistie Cognitive Ba^s of Children's Communicative Intentions. Febru- 
ary 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 940, 51p.. PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 20: Kleiman. G. M. 77» Effect of Previous Context on Reading Individual Words. February 1977. 
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 941, 76p.. PC-$6.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 21: Kane. J H.. & Anderson. R. C Depth of Processing and Interference Effects in the Learning and 
Remembering of Sentences. February 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service Wo. ED 134 942 
29p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 


No. 22: Brown. A. L. & Campione. J. C. Memory Strategies in Ijearning: Training Children to Study Stra- 
tegically March 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 136 234. 54p.. PC-$4.82. IVIF- 

No. 23: Smiley. S. S.. Oakley. D. D.. Worthen. D.. Campione. J. C. & Brown. A. L Recall of Thematically 
Relevant Material by Adolescent Good and Poor Readers as a Function of Written Versus Oral 
Presentation. March 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 136 235. 23p.. rC-$1.82, 

No. 24: Anderson. P C . lipiro. R. J.. & Anderson. M. C. Schemata as Scaffolding for the Representation 

of Informatior iii Connected Discourse, March 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 136 236. If if. PC$1.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 25: Pany. D.. .• sjns. J. R. Learning Wbrd Meanings: A Comparison of Instruction^ Procedures 

ajvd Effects o: ^^.aasures of Reading Comprehension vfith Learning Disabled Students, March 1977. 

(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 136 237. 34p.. PC-$3.32. MF $.83) 
No. 26: Armbruster. B. B.. Stevens. R. J.. & Rosenshine. B. Analyzing Content Coverage and Emphasis: A 

Study of Three Curricula and Two Tests. March 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 136 238. 22p.. PC-$1.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 27: Ortony. A. Reynolds. R. E.. & Arter. J. A Metaphor: Theoretical and Empirical Research, March 

1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 137 752. 63p.. PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 28: Ortony. A Remembering and Understanding Jabberwocky and Small Talk. March 1977. (ERIC 

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 137 753. 36p.. PC-$3.32, MF-$.83) 
No. 25: Schallert. D. L. Kleiman. G. M.. & Rubin. A D. Analyses of Differences between Written and Oral 

language. April 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 144 038. 33p.. PC-$3.32. MF- 


No. 30: Goetz. E. T., & Osborn. J. Procedures for Sampling Texts and Tasks in Kindergarten through 
Eighth Grade. April 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 146 565. 80p.. PC-$6.32. MF- 

No. 31: Nash-Webber. B. Anaphora: A Cross-Disciplinary Survey April 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduc- 
tion Service No. ED 144 039. 43p.. PC $3.32. MF $.83) 
No. 32: Adams. M. J.. & Collins. A. A Schema-Theoretic View of Reading Comprehension. April 1977. 

(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 142 971. 49p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 33: Muggins. A. W. F. Syntactic Aspects of Reading Comprehension. April 1977. (ERIC Document 

Reproduction Service No. ED 142 972. 68p.. PC $4.82. MF $.83) 
No. 34: Bruce. B. C. Plans and Social Actions. April 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 149 328. 45p.. PC $3.3Z MF-$.83) 
No. 35: Rubin. AD A Theoretical Taxonomy of the Differences bet¥¥een Oral and Written Language. 

January 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 150 550. 61p.. PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 36: Nash-Webber. B.. & Reiter. R. Anaphora and Logical Form: On Formal Meaning Representation 

for Natural Language. April 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 142 973. 42p.. PC- 

$3.32. MF $.83) 

No. 37: Adams. M. J. Failures to Comprehend and Levels of Processing in Reading, April 1977. (ERIC 

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 145 410, 51p.. PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 38: Woods. W. A. Multiph Theory Formation in High-Level Perception. April 1977. (ERIC Document 

Reproduction Service No. ED 144 020. 58p.. PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 40: Collins, A. Brown, J. S.. & Larkin, K. M. Inference in Text Understanding. December 1977. (ERIC 

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 150 547, 48p.. PC-$3.32, MF $.83) 
No. 41: Anderson. R. C. & Pichert J. W. Recall of Previously Unrecallable Information Following a Shift 

in Perspective. April 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 142 974. 37p.. PC-$3.32. 


No. 42: Mason, J.. Osborn. J.. & Rosenshine. B. A Consideration of Skill Hierarchy Approaches to the 
Teaching of Reading, December 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 150 549. 176p.. 
PC-$1232. MF $.83) 

No. 43: Collins. A.. Brown, A. L, Morgan, J. L. & Brewer, W. F. The Analysis of Reading Tasks and Texts. 
April 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 145 404. 96p.. PC $6.32. MF-$.83) 

Nc. 44: McQure. E. Aspects of Code-Switching in tt)e Discourse of Bilingual Mexican American Chihtren. 
April 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 142 975. 38p., PC $3.3Z MF $.83) 

No. 45: Schwartz, R. M. Relation of Context Utilization and Orthographic Automaticity in Word Identifi- 
cation, May 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 137 762, 27p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 46: Anderson. R. C. Stevens. K. C, Shifrin, Z.. & Osborn. J. Instantiation of Word Meanings in Chil- 
dren, May 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 142 976. 22p.. PC $1.82, MF $.83) 

No. 47: Brown. A. L Knoviing When, Where, and How to Remember: A Problem of Metacognition, June 
1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service Wo ED 146 562. 152p.. PC $10.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 48: Brown. A. L. & DeLoache. J. S. Skills, Plans, and Self-Regulation, July 1977. (ERIC Document 
Reproduction Service No. EO 144 (D40. 66p.. PC-$4.82, MF-$.83) 

No. 49: Goetz. E. T. Inferences in the Comprehension of and Memory for Text, July 1977. (ERIC Docu- 
ment Reproduction Service No. ED 150 54S. 97p.. PC $6.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 50: Anderson. R. C. Schema-Directed Processes in Language Comprehension, July 1977. (ERIC 
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 142 S77. 33p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 51: Brown. A. L Theories of Memory and the Problems of Development: Activity, Growth, and 
Knowledge, July 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 144 041. 59p. PC $482. MF- 

N'j. 52: Morgan. J. L Two Types of Convention in Indirect Speech Acts, July 1977. (ERIC Document 
Reproduction Service No. ED 145 405, 40p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 53: Brown. A. L, Smiley. S. S.. & Lawton. S. C. 77»e Effects of Experience on the Selection of Suitable 
Retrieval Cues for Studying from Prose Passages, July 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service 
No. ED 144 042, 30p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 54: Fleisher. L S., & Jenkins. J. R. Effects of Contextualized and Decontextualized Practice Condi- 
tions on Word Recognition, July 1977: (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 144 043. 37p.. 
PC $3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 55: Jenkins, J. R.. & Larson. K. Evaluating Error Correction Procedures for Oral Reading June 1978. 
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 158 224. 34p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 56: Anderson. T. H., Standiford. S. N., & Alessi. S. M. Computer Assisted Problem Solving in an Intro- 
ductory Statistics Course, August 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 146 563. 26p.. 
Pt:-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 57: Barnitz, J. Interreletionship of Orthography and Phonological Structure in Leaning to Read, 
August 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 150 546. 62p., PC-$4.82. MF-$l83) 

No. 58: Mason. J. M. The Role of Strategy in Reading in the Mentally Retarded, September 1977. (ERIC 
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 145 406. 28p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 59: Mason. J. M. Reading Readiness: A Definition and Skills Hierarchy from Preschoolers' Develop- 
ing Conceptions of Print September 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 145 403. 
57p.. PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 60: Spiro. R. J.. & Esposito. J. J. Superficial Processing of Explicit Inferences in Text, December 

1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 150 545. 27p., PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 65: Brewer. W. F. Memory for the Pragmatic Implications of Sentences, October 1977. (ERIC Docu- 
ment Reproduction Service No. ED 146 5G4. 27p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 66: Brown. A. L. & Smiley. S. S. 77ie Development of Strata^ for Study Prose Passages, October 

1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 145 371, 59p.. PC-$4.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 68: Stein. N. L. & Nezworski. T. 77»e Effects of Organization and Instructional Set on Story Memory, 

January 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 149 327. 41p.. PC $3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 69: Stein. N. L How Chikiren Understand Stories: A Developmental Analysis, March 1978. (ERIC 

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 153 205, 68p.. PC-$4.82. MF $.83) 
No. 76: Thieman. T. J.. & Brown. A. L The Effects of Semantic and Formal Similarity on Recognition 

Memory for Sentences in CNUren, November 1977. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 150 551. 26p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 77: Nash-Webber. B. L Inferences in an Approach to Discourse Anaphora, January 1978. (ERIC 

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 150 552. 30p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 78: Gentner. D. On Relation^ Meaning: The Acquisition of Verb Meaning, December 1977. (ERIC 

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 149 325. 46p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 79: Royer. J. M. Theories of iJaarrUng Transfer, January 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service 

No. ED 149 326. 55p.. PC $4.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 80: Arter. J. A.. & Jenkins. J. R. Differential Diagnosis-Prescriptive Teaching: A Critical Appraisal, 

January 1978. (ERIC Document reproduction Service No ED 150 578. 104p.. PC-$7.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 81: Shoben. E. J. Choosing a Model of Sentence Picture Comparisons: A Reply to CatUn and Jones, 

February 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 150 577. 30p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 


No. 82: Steffensen, M. S. Bereiter iind Engelmann Reconsidered: The Evidence from Children Acquiring 
Black English Vemaculen March 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 153 204, 31p., 
PC $3.32. MF $.83) 

No. 83: Reyndds. R. E., Standiford, S. N.. & Anderson. R. C. Distribution of Reading Time When Questions 
are Asked about a Restricted Category of Text Infomtation, April 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduc- 
tion Service No. ED 153 206, 34p., PC $3.32. MF $.83) 

No. 84: Baker. L Proofing Temporal Relationships in Simple Stories: Effects of Input Sequence, April 
1978 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 157 016, 54p.. PC K82, MF«$.83) 

No. 85: Mason. J. M., Knisely. E.. & Kendall, J. Effects of Polysemous Words on Sentence Comprehen- 
sion, May 1978 (EPIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 157 015; 34p.. PC-$3.32. MF $.83) 

No. 86: Anderson. T. H., Wardrop, J. L. Hively W., Muller, K. E.. Anderson. R. I.. Hastings. C. N.. & 
Fredericksen. J. Development and Trie? of a Model for Developing Domain Referenced Tests of 
Reading Comprehension, May 1978 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 157 036, 69p.. 
PC $4.82. MF $.83) 

No. 87: Andre. M. E. D. A.. & Anderson, T. H. The Development and Evaluation of a Self-Questioning 
Study Technique, June 1978 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 157 037. 37p.. PC $3.32. 

No. 88: Bruce. B. C, & Newman. D. Interacting Plans, June 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service 

No. ED 157 038. AOOp., PC $6.32. Mr$.83) 
No. 89: Bruce. B. C. Collins. A.. Rubin. A. D.. & Centner. D. A Cognitive Science Approach to Writing June 

1978 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 157 039. 57p.. PC $4.82. MF $.83) 
No. 90: Asher. S. R. Referential Communication, June 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 159 597, 71p.. PC-$4.82. MF $.83) 
No. 91. Royer. J. M.. & Cunningham. D. J. On the Theory and Measurement of Reading Comprehension, 

June 1978 (ERIC Document Repro^.uction Service No. ED 157 040. 63p.. PC-K82. MF-$.83) 
No. 92: M3r:>n. J. M.. Kendall. J. R. Facilitating Reading Comprehension Through Text Structure Manipu- 
lation, June 1978 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 157 041. 36p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 93: Ortony. A.. Schallert. D. L, Reynolds. R. E.. & Antos, S. J. Interpreting Mataphors and Idioms: 

Some Effects of Context on Comprehension, July 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 157 042. 41p.. PC.$3.32, MF-$.83) 
No. 94: Brown. A. L, Campione. J. C. & Barclay, C. R. Training Self<:hecking Routines for Estimating 

Test Readiness: Generalization from List Learning to Prose Recall, July 1978 (ERIC Document 

Reproduction Service No. ED 158 226, 41 p.. PC-$3.32. ^^F $.83) 
No. 95: Reichman. R. Conversational Coherency, July 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 159 658. 86p., PC.$6.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 96: Wigfield. A.. & Asher, S. R. Age Differences in Childrefn's Referential Communication Perfor- 
mance: An Investigation of Task Effects, July 1978. (ERiC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 159 659. 31p.. PC $3.32, MF-$.83) 
No. 97: Steffensen. M. S.. Jogdeo. C. & Anderson. R. C. A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Reading 

Comprehension, July 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 159 660, 41p.. PC-$3.32. 


No. 98: Green. G. M. Discourse Functions of Inversion Construction, July 1978. (ERIC Document Repro- 
duction Service No. ED 160 998. 42p.. PC $3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 99: Asher. S. R. Influence of Topic Interest on Black Chiktren and White Chiklren's Reading 
Comprehension, July 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 159 661, 35p.. PO$3.32. 

No. 100: Jenkins. J. R.. Pany. D.. & Schreck. J. Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension: Instructional 
Effects;, August 1978 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 160 999. 50p.. PC $3.32. MF- 

No. 101: Shoben. E. J.. Rips. L J.. & Smith. E. E. Issues in Semantic Memory: A Response to Glass and 
HolyoaK August 1978 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 159 662. 85p.. PC $6.32. MF- 

No. 102: Baker. L. & Stein. N. L 77)e Development of Prose Comprehension Skills, September 1978 
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 159 663. 69p.. PC $4.82. MF*$.83) 

No. 103: Fleisher. L $.. Jenkins. J. R.. & Pany. D. Effects on Poor Readers' Comprehension of Training in 
Rapki Decoding. September 197a (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 159 664. 39p., PC- 
$3.3a MF $.83) 


No. 104: Ariderson, T. H. Study Skills and Learning Strategies, September 1978. (ERIC Document Repro- 
duction Service No. ED 161 000, 41p.. PC.$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 105: Ortony. A. Beyond Uteral Similarity, October 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No 
ED 166 635. 58p.. PC $4.82. MF $.83) 

No. 106: Durkin. D. Wt^at Classroom Observations Reveal about Reading Comprehension Instruction, 
October 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 162 259. 94p.. PC $6.32. MF $.83) 

No. 107: Adams. M. J. Models of Word Recognition, October 1978. (ERIC Document Rpproduction Ser- 
vice No. ED 163 431. 93p.. PC-$6.32. MF.$.83) 

No. 108: Reder. L M. Comprehension and Retention of Prose: A Literature Review, November 1978. 
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 165 114. 116p.. PC-$7.82. MF $.83) 

No. 109: Wardrop. J. L. Anderson. T. H.. Hively. W.. Anderson. R. I.. Hastings. C. N.. & Muller. K. E. A Frame- 
work for Analyzing Reading Test Characteristics, December 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction 
Service No. ED 165 117. 65p.. PC.$4.82. MF.$.83) 

No. 110: Tirre. w. C. Manelis. L. & Leicht. K. L. The Effects of Imaginal and Verbal Strategies on Prose 
Comprehension in Adults, December 1978. (ERIC Document Reproduction Servic? No ED 165 116 
27p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. Ill Spiro. R. J.. & Tirre. W. C. Individual Differences in Schema Utilization During Discourse Pro- 
cessing, January 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 166 651 29p PC-$3 32 MF- 
$.83) . 

No. 112: Ortony. A Some Psycholinguistic Asp^ts of Metaphor, January 1979. (ERIC Documer,t Repro- 
duction Service No. ED 165 115. 38p.. PC $3.32. MF.$.83) 

No. 313: Antos. S. J. Processing Fecilitation in a Lexical Decision Task, January 1979. (ERIC Document 
Reproduction Service No. ED 165 129. 84p.. PC $6.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 114: Centner D Semantic Integration at the Level of Verb Meaning, February 1979. (ERIC Docu- 
ment Reproduction Service No. ED 165 130. 39p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 115: Gearhart. M., & Hall. W. S. Internal State Words: Cultural and Situational Variation in Vocabu- 
lary Usage, February 1979. (EPIC Document Repro^Juction Se.vice No ED 165 131 66p PC-$482 

No. 116: Pearson. P. D.. Hansen. J.. & Gordon. C. The Effect of Background Knowledge on Young 

Children's Comprehension of Explicit and Implicit Information, March 1979. (ERIC Document Rcpro 

duction Service No. ED 169 521. 26p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 117: Barnitz. J. G. Reading Cof ^prehension of Pronoun-Referent Structures by Children in Grades- 

Two, Four, and Six, March 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 170 731 51p PC- 

$4.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 118: Nicholson. T.. Pearson. P. D. & Dykstra. R. Effects of Embedded Anomalies and Oral Reading 

Errors on Children's Understanding of Stories, March 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service 

No. ED 169 524. 43p.. PC $3.32. MF $.83) 
No, 119: Anderson. R C. Pichert. J. W.. & Shirey. L L. Effects of the Reader's Schema at Different Points 

in rime, April 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 169 523. 36p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 120: Canney. G.. & Winograd. P. Schemata for Reading and Reading Comprehension Performance, 

April 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 169 520. 99p.. PC-$6.32. MF-$.83) 
No. Hall. W. S.. & Guthrie. L F. On the Dialect Question and Reading May 1979. (ERIC Document 

Reproduction Service No. ED 169 522. 32p.. PC $3.32. MF $.83) 
No. 122: McClure. E.. Mason. J.. & Barnitz. J. Story Structure and Age Effects o/t Children's Ability to 

Sequence Stories, May 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 170 732. 75p PC-$482 


No. 123: Kleiman. G. M.. Winograd. P. N.. & Humphrey. M. M. Prosody and Children's Parsing of Sen- 
tences, May 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 170 733. 28p.. PC-$3.32, MF-$.83) 

No. 124: Spiro. R. J. Etiology Of Reading Comprehension Style, May 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction 
Service No. ED 170 734. 21p.. PC-$1.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 125: Hall. W. S.. & Tirre. W. C. The Communicative Environment of Young Children: Social Class, 
Ethnic, and Situational Differences, May 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No' 
ED 170 788. 30p.. PC-$3.32. MF.$.83) 

No. 126: Mason. J.. & McCormick. C. Testing the Development of Reading and Linguistic Awareness, 
May 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 170 735. 50p.. PC $3.32. MF $.83) 


No. 127: Brown, A, L, & Campione, J. C. Permissible Inferences from the Outcome of Training Studies in 
Cognitive Developnwnt Research, May 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 170 736, 
34p.. PC.$3.32, MF.$.83) 

No. 128: Brown, A. L, & French, L A. 7?»e Zone of Potential Development: Implications for Intelligence 
Testing in the Year 2000, May 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 170 737, 46p., 
PC $3.32, MF.$.83) 

No. 129: Nezworski, T., Stein, N. L, & Tratwsso, T. Siory Structure Versus Content Effects on Children's 
Recall and Evaluative Inferences, June 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 172 187, 
49p., PC-$3.32, MF $.83) 

No. 130: Bruce, B. Analysis of Interacting Plans as a Guide to the Understanding of Story Structure, 
June 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 174 951, 43p., PC $3.32, MF $.83) 

No. 131: Pearson, P. D., Raphael, T., TePaske, N., & Hyser, C. The Function of Metaphor in Children's 
Recall of Expository Passages, July 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 174 950, 
41p., PC $3.32, MF $.83) 

No. 132: Green, G. M. Organization, Goals, and Comprehensibility in Narratives: Newswriting, a Case 
Study, July 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 174 949, 66p., PC.$4.82, MF $.83) 

No. 133: Kleiman, G. M. The Scope of Facilitation of Word Recognition from Single Word and Sentence 
Frame Contexts, July 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 174 947 61p, PC-$4.82, 

No. 134: McConkie, G. W., Hogaboam. T. W., Wolverton, G. S., Zola, D., & Lucas, p. A. Toward the Use of 

Eye Movements in the Study of Language Processing August 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction 

Service No. ED 174 968, 48p., PC-$3.32, MF $.83) 
No. 135: Schwartz, R. M. Levels of Processing: The Strategic Demands of Reading Comprehension, 

August 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 177 471, 45p., PC-$3.32, MF $.83) 
No. 136: Anderson, R. C, & Freetxxly, P. Vocabulary Knowledge, August 1979. (ERiC Document Repro- 

duction Service No. ED 177 480, 71p., PC $4.82, MF $.83) 
No. 137: Royer, J. M., Hastings, C. N.. & Hook, C. A Sentence Verification Technique for Measuring /?eaci- 

ing Comprehension, August 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 176 234 34p., PC- 

$3.32, MF $.83) 

No. 138: Spiro, R. J. Prior Knowledge and Story Processing: Integration, Selection, and Variation, 
August 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 176 235, 41 p., PC 3 32, MF $.83) 

No. 139: Asher, S. R., & Wigfidd, A. Influence of Comparison Tr^ning on Children'^ Referential Commun^ 
ication, August 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 177 493, 42p., PC-$3.32, MF $.83) 

No. 140: Alessi, S. M., Anderson, T. H., & Goetz, E. T. An Investigation of Lookbacks During Studying, Sep- 
tember 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 177 494, 40p., PC $3.32, MF-$.83) 

No. 141: Cohen, P. R., & Perrault, C. R. Elements of a Plan-Based Theory of Speech Acts, September 
1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 177 497, 76p., PC $6.32, MF $.83) 

No. 142: Grueneich, R.. & Trabasso, T. The Story as Social Environment: Children's Comprehension and 
Evaluation of Intentions and Consequences, September 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service 
No. ED 177 496, 56p., PC.$4.82, MF.$.63) 

No. 143: Hsrmon, G. On the Discourse Structure of Direct Quotation, September 1979. (ERIC Document 
♦ Reproduction Service No. ED 177 495, 46p., PC-$3.32, MF-$.83) 

No. 144: Goetz, t T., Andsrson, R. C, & Schallert, D. L 77ie Representation of Sentences in Memory, Sep- 
tember 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 177 527, 71p., PC $4.82, MF $.83) 

No. 145: Baker, L Con^prehension Monitoring: Uentifying and Coping with Text Confusions, September 
1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 177 525, 62p., PC-$4.82, MF-$.83) 

No. 146: Hall, W. S., & rtegy, W. E. Theoretical Issues in the lnvestigatk)n of Wbrds of Internal Report, 
October 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 177 526, I08p., PC-$7.82, MF-$.83) 

No. 147: Stein, N. L, & Goldman, S. Chiktren's Knowledge about Social Situations: From Causes to 
Consequences, October 1.979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 177 524, 54p, PC $4.82, 

No. 148: Hall, W. S., & Guthrie, L F. Cultural and Situational Variation in Language Function and Use: 
Methods and Procedures for Research, October 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No 
ED 179 944, 49p., PC-$3.3a MF-$.83) 

No. 149; Pichert, J. W. Sensitivity to What is Important in Prose, November 1979. (ERIC Document 
Reproduction Service No. ED 179 946, 64p., PC-K82, MF $.83) 


No. 150: Dunn. B. R., Mathews. S. R.. il. & Bieger. G. Individual Differences in the Recall of Lower-Level 
Textual Information. December 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 181 M3, 37p 
PC-$3.32, MF $.83) 

No. 151: Gentner. D. Verb Semantic Structures in Memory for Sentences: Evidence for Componential 
Representadon. December 1979. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 181 424 75p PC- 

$4.fe2. MF $.83) 

No. 152: Tierney. R. J.. & Mosenthal. J. Discourse Comprehension and Production: Analyzing Text 
Structure and Cohesion. January 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 179 945. 84o 
PC $6.32. MF $.83) 

Nc. 153: Winograd, P.. & Johnston. P. Comprehmsicm Monitoring and the Error Detectioti Paradigm. 

January 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 181 425. 57p.. PC K82. MF $.83> 
No. 154: Ortony. A. Understanding Metaphors. January 1980. (ERiC Docur^ent Reproduction Service No 

ED 181 426. 52p.. PC-$4.82. MF $.83) 
No. 155: Anderson. T. H.. & Armbruster. B. B. Studying January 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction 

Service No. ED 181 427, 48p.. PC $3.32. MF $.83) 
No. 156: Brown. A. L. & Ca.Tipione. J. C. Inducing Flexit)le Thinking: The Problem of Access. January 

1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 181 428. 44p.. PC $3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 157: Trabasso. T. On the Making of Inferences During Reading and Their Assessment. January 

1980. (ERIC Documen* Reproduction Service No. ED 181 429. 38p.. PC-$3.32. MF-$.83) 
No. 158: McClure. E.. & Steffensen. M. S. A Study of the Use of Conjunctions across Grades and Ethnic 

Groups. January 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 182 688, 43p. PC-$332. MF- 


No. 159: Iran Nejad. A. 77je Schema: A Structural nr a Rmctional Pattarn. February 1280. (ER!C Docu 

ment Reproduction Service Nc. ED 181 449. 46p.. PC $3.3?. MF $.83) 
No. 160: Armbruster, B. E.. & Anderson. T. H. 7?»e Effect of Mapping on the Free Recall of Expository 

Text. February 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 182 735. 49p.. PC $3.32. MF $.83; 
No. 161: Hall. W. S.. & Dore. J. Lexical Sharing in Mother-Child Interaction. March 1980. (ERIC Document 

Reproduction Service No. ED 184 066. 39p.. PC-$3.32. MF $.83) 
No. 162: Davison. A.. Kantor. R. N.. Hannah. J.. Hermon. G.. Lutz. R.. Salziilo. R. Umita^s of Readability 

Formulas in Guiding Adaptations of Texts. March 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 

ED 184 090. 157p.. PC $10.82. MF-$.83) 
No. 163: Unn. R. L. Levine. M. V.. Hastings. C. N.. & Wardrop. IL An Investigation of Item Bias in a Test 

of Reading Comprehension. March 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED 184 091 

97p.. PC-$6.32. MF-$.83) 

No. 164: Seidenberg. M. S.. Tanenhaus. M. K.. & Le;man. J. M. The Time Course of Uixicel Ambiguity 
Resolution in Context. March 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 184 092 58p PC- 
$4.82. MF $.83) ' 

No. 165: Brown. A. L Learning and Development: The Problems of Compatibility. Access, end Induc- 
tion. March 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 134 093. 76p.. PC-$6.32. MF $.83) 

No. 166: Hansen. J.. & Pearson. P. D. The Effects of Inference Training and Practice on Young 
Children's Comprehension. April 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 186 839 53p 
PC-$4.82. MF $.83) 

No. 167: Straker. D. Y. Situational Variables in Uinguaiie Use. April 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction 

Service No. ED 185 619. 49p.. PC $3.3a MF $.83) 
No. 168: Green, G. M., Kantor, R. N.. Morgan. J. L, Stein. N. L. Hermon. G.. Salziilo. R.. Ssllner. M. B.. 

Bruce. B. C, Gentner. D.. & Wsbber, B. L Problems and Techniques of Text Analysis. April 19So! 

(ERIC Document Reproduction Service Nc ED 185 513. 173p., PC-$10.82. MF $.83) 
No. 169: Green. G. M., Kantor, R. N.. Morgan. J. L. Stein. N. L. Hermon, G.. Salziilo, R., & Sellner, M. B. 

Analysis of Ba bar Loses His Crown . April 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No 

ED 185 514. 89p.. PC-$6.3^ MF $.83) 
No. 170: Green. G. M., Kantor. R N.. Morgan, J. L. Stein. N. L. Hermon. G.. Salziilo. R.. & SeJI.' M. B. 

Analysis of "The Wonderful Desert." April 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No 

ED 185 515, 47p., PC-$3.32, MF $.ai) 
No. 171: Zehler, A. M., & Brewer. W. F. Acquisition of the Artich System in En^ish. May 1980. (ERIC 

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 186 907. 51p.. PC $4.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 172: Reynolds, R. E., & Ortony, A. Some Issues in the Measurement of Children's Comprehension of 
Metaphorical Language, May 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 185 542. 42p.. PC- 
$33Z MF $.83) 

No. 173. Davison. A. Linguistics and the Measurement of Syntactic Complexity: The Case of Raising, 
May 1980. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 186 848. 60p.. PC $4.82. MF-$.83) 

No. 174: Tirre. W. C. Freebody. P.. & Kaufman. K. Achit^ement Outcomes of Two Reading Programs: 
An Instance of Aptitude-Treatment Interaction, June 1980. 

No. 175: Asher. S. R.. & Wigfield. A Training Referential Con^munication Skills, July 1980. 

No. 176: Tanenhaus. M. K.. & Seidenberg. M. S. Discourse Context and Sentence Perception, July 1980. 

No. 177: Hall. W. S.. Unn. R. L. & Nagy. W. E. Spoken Words, August 1980. 

No. 178: Tanenhaus. M. K.. Flanigan. H.. & Seidenberg. M. S. Orthographic and Phonological Activation in 

Auditory and Visual Word Recognition, August 1980. 
No. 179: Green, G. M. LJnguistics and the Pragmatics of Language Use: What You Know When You 

Know a Language . . . and What Else You Know, August 1980. 
No. 180: Steffensen. M. S,. & Guthrie. L F. Effect of Situation on the Vert)alization of Black Inner-City 

Chikiren, September 1980. 

No. 181: Green, G. M.. & Laff. M. 0. Five-Year Olds' Recognition of Authorship by Literary Style, Sep- 
tember 1980. 

No. 182: Collins, A. & Smith, E. E. Teaching the Process of Reading Comprehension, September 1980. 
No. 183: Reynolds. R. E.. & Anderson. R. C. Influence of Questions on the Allocation of Attention during 
Reading, October 1980. 

No. 184: Iran-Nejad. A. Ortony. A.. & Rittenhouse. R. K. The Comprehension of Metaphorical Uses of 

English by Deaf Children, October 1980. 
No. 185: Smith, E. E. Organization of Factual Knowledge, October 1980.